Every one knows that spite houses are usually really small. But this Montlake Spite House in Seattle looks bigger on the inside that one co...
Every one knows that spite houses are usually really small. But this Montlake Spite House in Seattle looks bigger on the inside that one could think. Moreover, its small size didn't stop it from being sold after spending only a couple of weeks on the market at a price of $397,500. The house is 830 square feet (77 square meters) and it is just 55 inches (140 cm) wide at its narrowest point.
Current homeowner Lisa Horton said that the shape of the house was never much of a problem, except when she was cooking: "The kitchen is toward the narrow end of the house, so you can't stand in front of the oven when you open it; you have to stand to the side."
Current homeowner Lisa Horton said that the shape of the house was never much of a problem, except when she was cooking: "The kitchen is toward the narrow end of the house, so you can't stand in front of the oven when you open it; you have to stand to the side."