This really is stunning. Left-wing comedian Jimmy Dore is the host of “Aggressive Progressives” on The Young Turks network. Recent...
This really is stunning.
Left-wing comedian Jimmy Dore is the host of “Aggressive Progressives” on The Young Turks network.
Recently Jimmy Dore gave a speech using facts and public documents to expose the origins of the Clinton-Podesta Trump collusion narrative.
Of course, there was never anything there between Trump and Russia. Russia was the furthest thing from the Trump campaign. But as Jimmy Dore explains, Hillary Clinton knew her biggest vulnerability was the fact that she sold off one-fifth of US uranium to the Russians for a few hundred million and a half-million dollar speech to Bill Clinton from Putin.
So John Podesta devised the lie to project on Trump that he was the candidate colluding with Russia.
It was all initiated by the Clinton inner circle. This is how devious and evil these people are.
Jimmy Dore lays it out. The rest is history.