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Thursday, February 20


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Breaking News:

Christian radio station K-LOVE bans ads for pro-life movie ‘Unplanned’ because it’s too ‘political.’ The network changes its tune fast when people get angry.

Christian radio network  K-LOVE  found itself under fire after it initially refused to run promo spots on its stations for the newly rel...

Christian radio network K-LOVE found itself under fire after it initially refused to run promo spots on its stations for the newly released pro-life film, "Unplanned."
"Unplanned" follows the story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who went on to become one of the nation's most prominent pro-life advocates.

What are the details?

Johnson revealed the news in a March 22 Facebook post.

"K-LOVE has decided that they will not run any promos for my movie, Unplanned. So, a Christian radio network won't advertise for a pro-life movie," she wrote.

"They have stated that they don't want to promote anything 'political,'" she explained. "Time for this 'listener supported network' to hear from its listeners."

In response to Johnson's post, the radio network shared an update on its Facebook page, doubling down on its initial reaction, and adding that the network avoids promoting R-rated films.

"We focus on positive and encouraging content that is safe for the whole family," the page read. "We stand for Biblical truth. We have been and continue to be pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life."

Johnson wasn't buying that, however — and pointed to 2004's Mel Gibson-directed "Passion of the Christ," which brought in an R-rating. 
"They can't seem to keep track of what they stand for," Johnson added.

One day later, Johnson revealed a positive development — the network changed its positions, and announced that it would run promotion spots for the film.

"I have a wonderful update," Johnson wrote. "K-LOVE Radio has decided to stand up for the unborn and promote Unplanned!"