A Chick-fil-A in Manhattan was vandalized during a Pride Parade on Sunday, photos sent to the Daily Caller show, with messages scrawled on...
A Chick-fil-A in Manhattan was vandalized during a Pride Parade on Sunday, photos sent to the Daily Caller show, with messages scrawled on the glass and taped on the doors and windows.
There was no property damage nor any physical injury outlined in the report (Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays), but the vulgar messages graffitied onto the fast food restaurant were designed to intimidate.
There are more photos at the above link.
Aside from the outright vandalism, there was plenty of hostility on display for the chicken sandwich joint during the parade.
The effort to silence -- or, in the case of Chick-fil-A perhaps "starve" -- the restaurant and its patrons is nothing new. it has happened time and again, with LGBT or other leftist groups attempt to drive the Christian-owned business off school campuses and out of towns.
July 30 marks the final day of Pride Month, and the parade in New York was celebrated by much of the mainstream media, as Daily Caller News Foundation's Virginia Kruta noted in her story.
In many ways the Pride movement has become indistinguishable from the #Resist Trump movement, which is itself increasingly seeing blurred lines with groups like Antifa, who infamously beat and robbed a journalist over the weekend.
Also this weekend we saw the owner of the Red Hen restaurant, which famously kicked then-press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out after refusing to serve them, praising and defending a cocktail server in Chicago who last week spit on Eric Trump.
If it seems like you are picking up on a pattern, that's because there is one.