Democrats have been dead set on impeaching President Trump since before he even took office. It has always been an investigation in sear...
Democrats have been dead set on impeaching President Trump since before he even took office.
It has always been an investigation in search of a crime, upending the American system of justice.
Why are Democrats in such a rush to impeach the President that they’re willing to trample all over the American and constitutional way of doing things?
Here are eleven savage but accurate cartoons that fully expose the Democrats scam as they race to impeach the President:
It started with Nadler, who proved to be so inept Cory Lewandowski made a literal fool of him on live TV.

Then the Biden’s got into the picture:

Finally the House, under Pelosi and Schiff started their fake impeachment push and kangaroo court:

And finally, Americans have come to see the impeachment investigation for what it really is: