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Saturday, March 15


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Breaking News:

HUGE! Results from Breaking Chloroquine Study Show 100% Cure Rate for Patients Infected with the Coronavirus

On Monday Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, announced that the first trial vacci...

On Monday Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, announced that the first trial vaccine for the coronavirus is now being tested. The trial taking place in Seattle, which has been a hotbed for COVID-19. The test includes 45 people age 18-55 and they are receiving two injections, one at zero days, one at 28 days. The individuals will then be followed for one year. The trial results is still months away. 
On Monday night Laura Ingraham reported that a new study revealed the anti-viral medication chloroquine is successful in fighting the coronavirus.
Laura invited Dr. Gregory Rigano, the co-author of the study to discuss the latest findings.
Dr. Rigano said their study found that those COVID-19 patients who took hydroxy-chloroquine were found free of the disease in 6 days. The patients were testing negative for the coronavirus in six days!
Dr. Rigano also said taking choroquine could act as a preventative.
This is a remarkable study!

Via The Ingraham Angle:

 Last night on Tucker Carlson’s show on FOX News, Dr. Rigano, discussed the latest findings where the test patients had 100% cure. 

Dr. Rigano also tweeted out his results: 
Even Elon Musk is impressed: 

This is great news and President Trump has the ability to move it forward.  The drug also has been around for decades.  Maybe this is the big news President Trump is reporting today?