A Black Lives Matter leader has declared a war on police in the United States and has said that they have a “special forces” for it. Haw...
A Black Lives Matter leader has declared a war on police in the United States and has said that they have a “special forces” for it.
Hawk Newsome, the Greater New York chapter of Black Lives Matter chairman, said that his group is “mobilizing” and wants to create a highly-trained “military” arm to take on police brutality, The Daily Mail reported.
“It’s our obligation, it is our duty to provide people with a pathway forward,” he said in the interview with The Mail.
“’We want liberation. We want the power to determine our own destiny. We want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government sanctioned murder by the police.
“And we prepare to stop these government sanctioned murders by any means necessary.
“We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities,” he said.
He was in Los Angeles at the time of the interview in June as he met with other top brass and “military leaders.”
The meeting was held in the office of actor and comedian Nick Cannon, a Black Lives Matter supporter who has caused controversy recently by calling white people “savages.”
In a conference room at the trendy compound in Burbank, Newsome said the group hammered out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint – which stands for Black Opportunities – a new direction he hopes will be the beginning of the liberation of black people.
Black Lives Matter has tens of thousands of activists protesting the death of George Floyd in dozens of cities around America and across the world.
And BLM’s Greater New York chapter has emerged at the forefront of the movement as black rights become a topic for debate.
Newsome, 43, an imposing 6ft 6in, who wore shades and smoked a thick cigar for our photo shoot, believes his group can lead the ‘war on police’.
“We’re talking about self-defense. We’re talking about defending our communities,” he said in the interview where he blamed police for escalating the tension.
“You know what it’s like to see a taser pointed at a seven-year-old, you know what it’s like to see a 67-year-old black woman… pepper sprayed and pushed to the ground?” he said.
“We have black Special Forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities, the Black Ops department of Black Opportunities,” Newsome said.
“What we’ll see is people put in place to defend our communities from police who will murder us and get away with it,” he said.
The brazen declaration of war against the police is not likely to do anything to help what the Black Lives Matter organization says it is fighting for.
Sadly, this type of escalation only leads to more death and destruction of people, most of whom want peace.