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Thursday, February 20


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DISGUSTING: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Blames President Trump After Trump Supporter Gunned Down by Leftist Rioter in Cold Blood (Video)

Here are the rules according to Democrats and by extension the fake news media: ** If a leftist rioter is killed by a conservative — Tru...

Here are the rules according to Democrats and by extension the fake news media:
** If a leftist rioter is killed by a conservative — Trump is to blame.
** If a Trump supporter is killed by a leftist rioter — Trump is to blame.
Last night Trump supporter Jay Bishop was identified today as the victim in last night’s shooting in Portland, Oregon.

Jay Bishop was gunned down in cold blood by far left rioter Michael Reinoehl.
The leftist rioters cheered Bishop’s death.

On Friday Wheeler sent out a snarky letter to the president attacking him for offering to send in federal officers to put a stop to the violence.
Wheeler refused the president’s offer.

On Sunday Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler held a press conference after the murder of Trump supporter Jay Bishop.
Mayor Wheeler went off on a tirade and blamed the murder of the Trump supporter on President Trump.
The President tore into Wheeler today: