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Thursday, February 20


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If they can steal the election and put Biden in the White House, MANDATORY covid vaccines are coming next

  One of the most powerful lawyer groups in United States, The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), is calling on all fifty states to  ma...

 Image: If they can steal the election and put Biden in the White House, MANDATORY covid vaccines are coming next

One of the most powerful lawyer groups in United States, The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), is calling on all fifty states to mandate a two-dose covid-19 vaccine protocol in 2021. Even though this brazen declaration violates the basic tenets of human rights, body autonomy, medical privacy, parental rights and informed consent, the NYSBA suggests that every human being must submit. They believe that all humans must submit their bodies and their children to the government’s “scientific consensus.” They believe no one has individual rights or self-decision when a public health emergency is put in place. Every legal exemption will be taken away from human beings, including various medical concerns, philosophical, religious and scientific objections.

“The authority of the state to respond to a public health crisis is well-established in constitutional law. It may become necessary to require that certain individuals or communities be vaccinated, such as health care workers and students, to protect the public’s health,” Mary Beth Morrissey, chair of the Health Law Section’s Task Force on COVID-19, and research fellow at Fordham University’s Global Health Care Innovation Management Center.

Fraudulent ballots and the complete stripping of your rights

The mission of NYSBA is to “cultivate the science of jurisprudence; promote reform in the law; facilitate the administration of justice; and elevate the standards of integrity, honor, professional skill, and courtesy in the legal profession.” Ironically, forcing people to get injected degrades the standards of integrity, honor, professional skill and courtesy in the legal and medical profession.

If election fraud can be carried out en masse, then mandatory covid-19 vaccines are coming next, distributed with the full force of the state. If public health authorities can quarantine healthy individuals, then what’s stopping these control fanatics from taking over your entire body? The media’s presumptive nominee for President, Joe Biden, has already assembled a team of “infectious disease experts” who will control every aspect of your life until you’re forced to comply with Big Pharma’s too-big-to-fail vaccine experiment.

This expert coronavirus task force will determine the “scientific consensus” on these new vaccines. According to NYSBA, once a scientific consensus is reached, then state governments are to launch public awareness campaigns to urge voluntary participation. If there are not enough people who submit to the vaccines, then the remaining people will be forced to take the shots as they are coerced into compliance.

Governments to use choke-points throughout society to force vaccination

The government is preparing to set up choke-points throughout society. The military already possesses the vaccine doses, and they are ready for distribution. This means it’s only a matter of time before unvaccinated people are blamed for infecting others. People who do not ascribe to this decrepit mentality of fear and false guilt will be segregated and persecuted. The November 7th resolution, passed by the NYSBA’s House of Delegates, outlines the conditions that will require people to get the new vaccines.

For instance, schools will make the vaccines mandatory, and because parents went along with mandatory masks, it will be so much easier to force all parents to comply. The new vaccines won’t be voluntarily distributed from just pharmacies and hospitals. It won’t take long for the vaccines to be pushed onto prisoners, immigrants and people in long term care facilities. Large companies will be threatened with lawsuits if they don’t require their employees to get the shots.

Airports will require passengers to provide proof of vaccination, just like they are beginning to require masks and proof of a negative covid-19 test result. Healthcare workers will be one of the first groups of people who are shamed into compliance. They will be told they are “putting the community and their patients at risk” if they aren’t vaccinated. This mentality worked well to coerce compliance with lock downs and business restrictions and it will continue to work because most people are afraid to stand up for themselves. This mass compliance will make it harder on those who are free, healthy human beings. The choke-points will begin to coalesce, and people will soon need to show proof of vaccination in order to attend stadiums, theaters and other mass gatherings.