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Wednesday, March 26


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Breaking News:

Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and Iran – It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN

  On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year. ...


On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year.  Then it was discovered that she simitaneously filed a complaint in Michigan as well.

General Flynn Attorney Abigail Frye broke the news late Wednesday night–

The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to come, stay tuned!


Then on Thanksgiving Day Sidney Powell retweeted two tweets by Liberty Times and Politics.

The tweets included a court filing that includes information on Dominion and Edison Research’s connections to the Internet.

We noted that the document identifies Dominion’s Trump-hater Eric Coomer is the inventor of the authentication function within the application.

And then on page 16 of the legal filing the document identifies foreign actors having access to US elections through the Dominion – Edison Research connections.

This was shocking news.

Were any Americans aware that our election systems were so prone to attack and that foreign actors China and Iran had attempted to manipulate the results of our election?

However, as we perused the appendix further, we see that Iran and China are not the only entities with access to the Dominion data and the ability to manipulate the results of our elections.  There is a direct connection to Belgrade, Serbia and there are or were numerous Dominion employees in Serbia.

But on page 8 we see Dominion – Edison has connections to domestic players.  One entity is Indivisible which was formerly Obama connected ACORN: