These two infographics illustrate what’s gone wrong with Pennsylvania’s ability to oversee an election to the tune of nearly 250k votes. T...
These two infographics illustrate what’s gone wrong with Pennsylvania’s ability to oversee an election to the tune of nearly 250k votes.
This includes the 205,000, or so, that you’ve written about previously (newer updates drop this to 185k) plus the mail/absentee ballots that are in-question.
Rep. Mo Brooks is driving home the point that some states lack the ability to run an election well enough to reliably determine a winner. This is the story of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania’s SURE system must be used, by law, to ensure the integrity of the election. Some soft PA legislators are saying that the SURE system might be slow, but that PA isn’t required to keep it current. The law refutes that!
A key excerpt of the law is included below. Illustrations for the whole election, and for mail-ins, are attached.
These images must sit in the mind of all 535 legislators and should be in the mind of the general public on Jan 6. Can you help with that?
This has been vetted by many people including the patriot PA legislators.
Here is another infographic on the Pennsylvania stolen election.
President Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes before Democrats locked out ALL GOP observers from the ballot counting facility for two days so they could manufacture votes.
Here’s another graphic on the 185,684 extra ballots that appeared from nowhere in Pennsylvania.