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Thursday, February 20


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‘If you’re open, we take that as disrespect’: Mob harasses businesses over Malcom X’s birthday

 “Black power” extremists shut down a block of businesses in Harlem on Wednesday because they felt it was disrespectful for the businesses to be open on the birthday of deceased extremist Malcolm X.

Video footage from the scene showed a group of extremists crowded around the outdoor entrance of one of the New York businesses located on 125th Street.

“Every store on 125th Street was notified that it’s Malcolm X’s birthday, so if ya’ll open, we take that as disrespect,” one of the extremists shouted using a bullhorn.


Another video from the scene, this one shared on Twitter by a high-profile CNN contributor, showed the extremists shutting down a Planet Fitness gym for refusing to “comply.”


The man seen in the video is Doshon Farad, a “journalist.”

“Every year, the December 12th movement and other followers and students of Malcolm X, in honor of his birthday on May 19th, they ask business along 125th Street to shut down for three hours — usually 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm,” he said in the clip above.

“If you’re a business that does not shut down, they’ll put you on blast. So right here at this Planet Fitness, they didn’t shut down for three hours, and right now they’re being put on blast. We do this in honor of brother Malcolm X,” the so-called “journalist” added.

(Source: Twitter)

Specifically, they do it in honor of a man so radical that even the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People viewed him with disdain — or at least until he later moderated his positions.

“The NAACP and other civil rights organizations denounced him and the Nation of Islam as irresponsible extremists whose views did not represent the common interests of African Americans,” Wikipedia notes, citing the books “Malcolm X” by Kofi Natambu and “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention” by Manning Marable.

His earlier positions also upset Jackie Robinson, the first black man to ever play in the MLB.

“Those of us who are so committed have no intention of supporting the idea of a separate black state where the Honorable Muhammad can be the ruler and you, his immediate successor — and all because you, Malcolm, hate white people,” he wrote in a 1963 column directed at Malcolm X, according to The Undefeated.

During his earlier days, Malcolm X advocated for separating whites from blacks. Interestingly, this attitude has reemerged in the modern age thanks to the “progressive” left.

As for the activists in Harlem, Farad was right to note that they pull this stunt every year — though their stunts don’t always draw media attention. They did, however, draw some attention in 2017.

“Roughly 100 people marched along 125th Street in Harlem yesterday in a show of ‘black power’ to honor civil rights icon Malcolm X—and urged small business owners and street vendors to close shop in honor of the occasion,” the New York Observer reported at the time.

It was, in fact, the 25th annual rendition of the so-called “Black Power March.”

Here’s a clip of the march dating all the way back to 2012:

“Clad in either all black or in Black Lives Matter apparel, demonstrators approached vendors as they marched along 125th Street between St. Nicholas and Fifth Avenues—sometimes marching in circles—to ensure that all businesses shut down,” the Observer’s report continued.

“Omowale Clay, a co-founder of the December 12 Movement and one of the organizers of the march, along with other organizers, frequently blasted individuals who refused to close down to honor Malcolm X,” it added.

At the time, the extremists even managed to shut down a Popeyes.

“When they arrived at the Popeye’s Restaurant on 126th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue, Clay and another organizer went in and told the owner and one of the employees that their establishment was now closed. Patrons eventually left the eatery and workers locked it up,” according to the Observer.

Once an infrequent occurrence, this sort of bully behavior rooted in racial supremacy is becoming increasingly more common as the number of “black power” extremists grows by leaps and bounds.

What’s particularly common is for “black power” extremists to harass stores for the alleged crime of offending and “disrespecting” local black patrons.

Also common, of course, are so-called Black Lives Matter “protests.”

What’s extremely uncommon, on the other hand, is for either the media or the government to show any interest in this accelerating trend. As far as they’re concerned, the true trend is that of white supremacists popping up at every corner.

Yet, as an endless stream of daily evidence shows, the only supremacists showing up on corners — literal corners — are “black power” ones …

It’s not clear whether any of the extremists were arrested on Wednesday. But knowing New York City, it’s not clear that the police even showed up in the first place.