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Thursday, February 20


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Breaking News:

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

  Back in September investigative journalist Chris Rufo went on with Tucker Carlson to discuss “critical race theory” and the federal govern...


Back in September investigative journalist Chris Rufo went on with Tucker Carlson to discuss “critical race theory” and the federal government’s support of the hateful, racist indoctrination.

In the US today, thanks to the work of the Obama regime, federal employees are forced to attend critical race theory sessions and workshops to focus on “white privilege” and “microaggressions.”

The discipline is pure Marxism and anti-white, anti-US racism being pushed on US government employees. Several US corporations also push this on their employees in workshops and seminars. It is a lucrative business for the far left based on pseudoscience, hate and victimhood.

Mark Rufo called on President Trump to eliminate this hateful indoctrination from the federal government.

President Trump then banned the hateful indoctrination of government employees back in September.

Less than 10 months later the Biden regime is pushing this racist theory on government employees and in the classroom.

And recently the nation’s largest teachers union approved implementing the hate-based doctrine in all 50 states and in 14,000 school districts.

The National Education Association voted to promote critical race theory calling it “reasonable and appropriate.”