The Baltic country of Lithuania has entered its eighth week of highly restrictive “Covid Pass” tyranny, and the fascism is off the chart...
The Baltic country of Lithuania has entered its eighth week of highly restrictive “Covid Pass” tyranny, and the fascism is off the charts.
According to reports, the unvaccinated in that country face increasing ostracization and banishment from normal society. They are being deprived of medicine, fuel and food – basically all the things they need in order to live.
The non-jabbed are also being raided by undercover police officers, intimidated in public, openly hated and blasted by the media. Lithuania has become a hellish landscape for the non-compliant, in other words.
Right now, Lithuania is said to have the strictest Covid Pass regime in all of Europe. And there is no end in sight as things get worse and worse by the day.
“With no Pass, my wife and I may only enter small shops which mainly sell food, pharma, optics, or farm / pet goods,” a Lithuanian man reported. “We’re banned everywhere else.”
As of this writing, those without a Covid Pass in Lithuania are not allowed to enter shopping centers or large supermarkets. They are also banned from entering clothing stores.
“Even second-hand stores must enforce the banishment,” reports explain. “No one may buy or sell without the Pass.”
“Technology. Books. Healthy and beauty. Variety stores. Without a Pass, we may not enter. We are banished.”
Still don’t think covid injections are part of the Mark of the Beast?
Up until mid-October, unvaccinated Lithuanians were still allowed to buy food and medicine. Government bureaucrats, however, felt as though this was too lax and changed the rules.
Now, even smaller food shops are being told they must enforce the Covid Pass or else get shut down. Shop owners are also being told that they must allow only one shopper per every 322 square feet (30 meters squared) of store space, which renders many businesses non-profitable.
“One shopper per 30m2 is too few for many shops to survive,” reports warns.
“The bureaucrats’ rule forced shops to decide: save their own business, or ban us from the few remaining shops permitted to us. Many shops – chains and independent – chose the option to ban us. Kill or be killed.”
The grocery chain Lidl, for instance, announced on October 20 that it will only serve shoppers “who have an Opportunity Pass.” All Lidl stores in Lithuania are abiding by this new restriction.
“The result: in many areas, there’s no longer anywhere to buy food without a Pass,” reports warn. “Supermarkets already banned us since Sept. Now small shops also ban us. So how to buy food? Online. Outdoor markets. Or travel to one of the dwindling number of shops which don’t *yet* ban us.”
A local media report explained that in bigger cities, long queues formed outside of shops that still served the unvaccinated. That was prior to when the new mandates came into full swing, of course.
“For law-abiding citizens who don’t have the Pass, there are few shopping options left: buy online, or go to a few small grocery shops with street-facing entrances, pharmacies, or open-air markets.”
Pretty much all pharmacies across Lithuania are Pass-only shopping, meaning no unvaccinated allowed. This means that any unvaccinated person who needs pharmaceutical medicine will no longer be allowed to get it.
Gas stations are slightly less compliant with one out of five still serving the unvaccinated. At banks, segregation measures have been put in place to make the customer service process more difficult for the unvaccinated.
Lithuanian police, by the way, are all in favor of this extreme fascism. They now routinely dress up in plain clothes, pretending to be normal shoppers, just to try to catch stores in the act of not checking people’s Covid Pass.
“Undercover plain-clothes police now raid supermarkets and shopping centers, stopping people to check their Covid Pass and ID to verify that it’s a valid Pass belonging to that person,” reports explain.
“The police give press conferences about the raids. The size of the police raids is staggering. One day last week, 200 officers in plain clothes raided stores and malls. That’s 2.5% of all officers in the nation. They conducted surprise investigation on 11,700 people. That’s 0.4% of the entire population.”
Where does it all end? The bad news is that it does not end. In fact, the rest of the world can expect the very same thing because the general public has made it clear that there is no tyranny bad enough to actually fight back.
“This is a police state,” reports warn. “Us vs. them. Othering. Legalised segregation. Opinion that was repugnant in 2019 has become mainstream in 2021. Restriction by restriction, the Covid Pass regime has shredded the bonds which hold us all together in one society.”