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Thursday, March 13


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Minnie Mouse Gets Woke Makeover as Outrage Swirls

  Did Minnie Mouse really need a woke makeover? Necessary or not, she got it. According to the  U.K. Daily Mail , she’s now sporting a blue ...

 Did Minnie Mouse really need a woke makeover?

Necessary or not, she got it. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, she’s now sporting a blue pantsuit designed by Stella McCartney instead of her usual red dress.

It’s hard to tell what ensued next — hilarity, outrage or a bit of both.

Minnie’s new duds were unveiled Tuesday by Disneyland Paris in a tweet; it’s part of the 30th anniversary of the French Disney theme park, originally known as Euro Disney.

At the time of its opening, the park was considered a notorious dud. Thirty years later, Disney apparently felt the need to indirectly remind us of this:

It’s worth noting that Minnie has worn a variety of outfits over the years — although, since her inception in 1928, she’s mostly been associated with her red dress white polka dots, along with her yellow shoes.

“I wanted Minnie to wear her very first pantsuit at Disneyland Paris, so I have designed one of my iconic costumes — a blue tuxedo — using responsibly sourced fabrics,” said Stella McCartney, daughter of former Beatle Paul. “This new take on her signature polka dots makes Minnie Mouse a symbol of progress for a new generation.

“I am delighted to be working with the one, the only, the iconic Minnie Mouse,” she continued, according to the Daily Mail. “Minnie has always had a special place in my heart. We share the same values.

“What I love about Minnie is the fact that she embodies happiness, self-expression and authenticity, and that she inspires people of all ages around the world. Plus, she has such great style.”

Which is why McCartney apparently has chosen to dress her like a parody of a third-rate cruise-ship magician.

I’m not quite sure what “values” Stella McCartney and Minnie Mouse share, but this got people’s attention in a bad way — especially coming on the heels of the similarly preposterous woke redesign of the anthropomorphic M&Ms.

In addition to the anti-woke comments were the usual anti-anti-woke comments along with the people who weren’t upset about the pantsuit but just thought it was ugly.

We did find one person who thought she was rocking the look, however:

After Hillary Clinton’s endorsement, Minnie’s popularity rating dropped 10 points.

In an appearance on Fox News, The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens sarcastically noted she was “so glad they’re doing this.”

“I’m glad that they’re now realizing this needs to be addressed. All of us were traumatized when we saw Minnie Mouse and she was looking like a female as we were growing up,” Owens said. “This is why people don’t take these people seriously.”

Yes, it’s just one outfit, and it’s not a permanent change. However, it’s a fatuous statement that would be risible if it weren’t so emblematic of a larger cultural issue.

For Women’s History Month in March, Stella McCartney transformed Minnie into “a symbol of progress for a new generation” by putting her into an androgynous blue pantsuit. This is progress, or something. New values. Responsibly sourced.

Welcome to our cultural future, everyone. It’s ugly, it’s didactic, it comes smothered in a stilted pile of woke-speak nonsense, and it’s Hillary-approved. It doesn’t matter how temporary Minnie’s Parisian makeover is — simply by existing, it cannot avoid sticking around long enough to induce Walt Disney to spin in his grave.