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Friday, February 21


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Breaking News:

Boston’s Mayor, Michelle Wu, ‘Jokes’ About White People, Pushes Random Mandates and Then Requests Law to Stop Protesters at Her House in Off-Hours

  Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is so disliked that she encouraged the Boston City Council to create a law to curtail protesters at her home duri...


Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is so disliked that she encouraged the Boston City Council to create a law to curtail protesters at her home during certain hours.

It’s hard to imagine why she is not more popular when she makes disgusting comments about white people openly during her public speeches.

Michael Knowles shared one moment from the mayor’s recent speech.

The Boston Globe reports that Wu is so dispised that she has protesters at her house almost daily.  In response, Wu proposed a bill prohibiting protesting after 9 pm and before 9 am.  How American! The Antifa folks will love that.

Following months of near-daily antivaccination demonstrations outside the Roslindale home of Mayor Michelle Wu, the Boston City Council on Wednesday adopted a controversial proposal to further restrict the hours when protesters may target private residences with their demonstrations.

The hotly debated measure was introduced by Wu, who has framed the consistent, early-morning ruckus as harassment, a feeling many of her neighbors in the usually quiet part of the city share.But critics of the new rules,including several who routinely picket outside the mayor’s home, say the restrictions would unfairly curb First Amendment rights.

Wu is hated for many reasons.  Recently she instituted a fee on restaurant owners on the North Side of the city only.  This move shows the extreme measures Wu feels comfortable implementing.  Per

Facing backlash from restaurateurs, Mayor Michelle Wu on Tuesday formally announced flexible parameters for how the city will charge North End restaurants seeking to open outdoor dining spaces this year.

The accommodations, which Wu first mentioned during an interview on WBUR on Monday, will allow restaurants the ability to pay the new $7,500 fee in installments.

Fees can be tailored to reflect operating schedules, so that restaurants who do not want to open outdoor space for the entire season will only pay for when they open outside.

You can tell Wu has never run a restaurant business before.  What a piece of work.  Nic job, Boston.  You get what you vote for.