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‘God Help Us’: Turley Stunned After Dem Rep. Tried To Downplay Whistleblower’s Testimony

  Fox News contributor and legal analyst Jonathan Turley said he was “stunned” Wednesday after Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin tried t...

 Fox News contributor and legal analyst Jonathan Turley said he was “stunned” Wednesday after Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin tried to downplay testimony from two IRS whistleblowers.

Whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler testified before the House Oversight Committee, claiming the DOJ pressured prosecutors not to charge Hunter Biden with felony tax charges.

Raskin argued the investigation and subsequent charges were simply a “back and forth” between investigators and prosecutors. 

“We will hear about the back and forth among investigators, prosecutors and the Trump appointed U.S. attorney, over a dozen people who spent four years investigating the president’s son, four years about how they disagreed on investigative steps and what criminal charges to bring,” Raskin said. “All normal stuff in government investigations that does not usually lead to a congressional hearing, but one thing you will not hear today is any evidence of wrongdoing by President Joe Biden or his administration.”

Turley weighed in on Raskin’s characterization.  

“Jonathan, you and I noticed exactly the same thing which I thought was curious. That is when Jamie Raskin – he almost threw it away as a bit of an aside – tried to blow this whole thing out of the water that by saying what he believes this is all about is a disagreement between investigators and prosecutors. You tweeted out about this idea, Jamie Raskin tries to school these two whistleblowers on prosecutorial discretion. I mean, obviously we know what he is trying to do here, but does he have a point?” host John Roberts asked. 

“Well, I was stunned when Raskin said ‘what you are about to hear is perfectly normal.’ And he was sitting in front of two witnesses who are incredibly credible and forthcoming. And they are saying that this was anything but normal. They had never encountered anything like this before. They were waved off witnesses. They had targets tipped off before searches occurred. They had an agreement with prosecutors on multiple felonies that were scuttled. They describe how there was a knowing decision to allow crimes in 2014, 2015, to expire because of the statute of limitations,” Turley said.

“What was amazing is that Shapley said there was an agreement on the table to extend that deadline, but Weiss and the Department of Justice just decided to let it expire. He said to this day, I don’t understand why you would do that, and I share his confusion. Why would you ever allow those crimes to expire? So it was anything but normal. God help us if this is the normal process of an investigation and prosecution.”  

Raskin also praised a convicted criminal who tried to discredit the ongoing criminal investigation into the Biden family. Raskin praised Lev Parnas who claimed the Trump campaign fabricated charges against the Biden family. Parnas is a convicted felon who was charged with foreign campaign finance violations, wire fraud, making false statements and falsifying records.

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