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NYC public school teacher shares image of Hamas paraglider, describes terror attack on Israeli civilians as a 'successful military campaign'

  A   New York City   public school teacher proudly expressed support for   Hamas   and the terrorists who carried out last weekend's on...

 A New York City public school teacher proudly expressed support for Hamas and the terrorists who carried out last weekend's onslaught of innocent Israeli citizens.

Mohammad Jehad Ahmad is a teacher at Gotham Tech High School, according to his LinkedIn profile. 

According to multiple reports, Jehad Ahmad changed his Facebook cover photo last week to an image of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag attached to the parachute. The image had the words: "I Stand With Palestine."

Jehad Ahmad used an image of a motorized paraglider – which is one of the vehicles that Hamas terrorists used to invade the Supernova music festival in Israel last Saturday morning.

A survivor of the festival massacre described the grisly scene of murder and rape:

We go to hide in a bush, a big bush in the creek. And we was in the bush something like six or seven hours. A lot of terrorists go around us and search for people to kill. The terrorists, people from Gaza, raped girls. And after they raped them, they killed them, murdered them with knives, or the opposite, killed — and after they raped, they — they did that. They laughed. They always laughed. It's — I can't forget how they laughed on the — in this situation.

Hamas militants murdered some 260 young Israelis and kidnapped many others.

A similar inflammatory image was recently used by the Black Lives Matter Chicago organization, which ignited indignation. 

New York school social worker Justin Spiro flagged the incendiary image posted by the NYC teacher.

"I am shaking. NYC public school teacher Mohammad Jehad Ahmad made this his Facebook cover photo, celebrating Hamas terrorists paragliding into an Israeli music festival and butchering 260 teens and young adults," Spiro wrote on the X social media platform. "How can Jews feel safe in Mohammad’s classroom?" 

Jehad Ahmad attempted to brush off the alarming concerns by replying, "Look at this clown and the others in his replies. So-called 'Israel' is a settler colony that was invented and only continues to exist through terrorism, dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and ongoing incremental genocide. To support 'Israel' is to support white supremacist terror."

Jehad Ahmad added, "It goes without saying: Free Palestine, from the river to the sea."

According to the American Jewish Committee:

“From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” is a common call-to-arms for pro-Palestinian activists. It calls for the establishment of a State of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, erasing the State of Israel and its people. It is also a rallying cry for terrorist groups and their sympathizers, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to Hamas, which called for Israel’s destruction in its original governing charter in 1988 and was responsible for the October 7, 2023 terror attack on Israeli civilians, murdering over 1,000 people in the single deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

On Tuesday, David C. Banks – Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education – issued a statement condemning the acts of terrorism by Hamas.

"In light of the attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians, I am compelled to speak out to condemn these horrific acts of violence," Banks stated. "It is heartbreaking to see the devastating impact of terrorism on innocent civilians, especially our most vulnerable – children."

Jehad Ahmad responded by calling the chancellor a "white supremacist, imperialist, scumbag."

"Let it be known that Chancellor Banks only cares about the lives of white people," Jehad Ahmad claimed. "So-called 'Israel' has continually indiscriminately killed civilians, children, the elderly, the press, and medical workers and targeted schools, places of worship, and medical facilities."

Fox News asked Jehad Ahmad for a comment, and he reportedly "repeated his claims, and referred to the Oct. 7 terrorist attack as 'a successful military campaign.'"

The outlet did not immediately receive a comment from Gotham Tech High School, the New York City Department of Education, or the mayor's office.

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