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Transgender cyclists took top spots in Chicago women's races, leaving only one spot for a biological woman

  Only one biological woman was able to get in the top three of the women's cycling races in Chicago, Illinois, as transgender athletes ...

 Only one biological woman was able to get in the top three of the women's cycling races in Chicago, Illinois, as transgender athletes took down the gold and silver medals.

The Chicago CycloCross Cup openly welcomed transgender athletes at its Oct. 7 competition. 

25-year-old Tessa Johnson took the top spot while 30-year-old Evelyn Williamson won second place. Allison Zmuda was the third place winner in the Single Speed race and the only biological female in the top three.

Organizers of the race made it clear that they would not discriminate against transgender athletes, despite it allowing unfair competition against female cyclists.

“The CCC has always been first and foremost about fostering a positive and supportive community built around competitive cyclo-cross racing, and that means welcoming and challenging everyone who wants to contribute to the series and make it better,” the organizers said on their website.

Transgender athletes have led to several states passing laws to limit and restrict unfair competition, but critics of these laws are discriminatory against transgender people. 

A poll in July found that an overwhelming majority of Americans were opposed to the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports where they would compete against the opposite biological sex. 69% of those polled were opposed to the policy while only 26% said they supported transgender athletes. 

Critics on social media lambasted USA Cycling over the bizarre competition.

"Race organizers of @usacycling need to stop calling these 'women’s events.' You are fooling nobody," responded Linda Blade, a former track and field coach.

"These are 'beta-male races' where some women get to be involved. In the process you are turning your 'sport' into a joke," she concluded.

Here's more about the transgender cyclist victories:

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