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WHAT? Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says Republicans Must be Held Accountable for Biden’s Disastrous Economic Policies (VIDEO)

  Joe Biden’s economic policies have been terrible for the country. Inflation is through the roof, people cannot afford homes, new cars, or ...


Joe Biden’s economic policies have been terrible for the country. Inflation is through the roof, people cannot afford homes, new cars, or even the basics.

And yet, Congressman and fire alarm enthusiast Jamaal Bowman has figured out who is to blame. It’s those darn Republicans who are behind all of this.

He made the comments during an appearance on MSNBC this week.

PJ Media reports:


LOL! Guess Who Jamaal Bowman Blames for the Failure of Bidenomics

Joe Biden has taken ownership of the economy for some time now. He not only insisted on calling it “Bidenomics” but also told Americans that everything is great. He realized too late that running on the economy was backfiring, as voters increasingly blame their struggles on Biden and his policies…

While the media trying to hype Biden’s economic record as successful, others are pushing the idea that any economic malaise the country is experiencing now is the fault of… you guessed it… the Republicans!

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), a member of the so-called “Squad,” conceded that Americans are hurting in this economy but insisted it’s the Republicans’ fault.

“To your point of economy, that’s a big point because no matter how much we’re seeing the job growth and all of that, people are still struggling with affordability and that’s an issue we need to hold the Republican Party accountable for.”

Here’s the video:

If Jamaal Bowman wasn’t real, you couldn’t make him up. No one would believe it.

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