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Tuesday, March 25


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Breaking News:

Baby Rhino Rescued

What a heart breaking thing to come across. Poor rhino just looking for water, food, love, anything at this point. Luckily Liam Burrough ha...

What a heart breaking thing to come across. Poor rhino just looking for water, food, love, anything at this point. Luckily Liam Burrough happened across this poor baby rhino.
The rhino was just walking along the side of the road looking for ways to survive.

The baby rhino had a few wounds on its body, and was obviously dehydrated. Luckily Liam was able to get some help and also provide this rhino with some much needed water.

Liam took to his Facebook page to let the public know how upset he was by this finding and in a way a call to the public on how we need to treat these animals.

Poaching is very popular in the area this rhino was found. It’s assumed the calf’s mother was killed by a poacher.

In this picture, you can see some of the wounds on this baby rhino, along with its ribs that are not as filled out as they should be.

This calf is very calm while the park rangers come to safely move it so it can be rescued and evaluated by a professional to ensure it is healthy.

This calf is very happy that there is water available. I can only imagine how terrified this rhino was when it was being approached by humans.

The calf has earned the name Shadow (pictured on the left),  and is now living at Care For Wild Africa’s rehabilitation center where she is doing well. Because Shadow is so young, there is a good chance that she will be able to return to the wild once she’s a little older and a little healthier.