A lot of you may have heard about Make-A-Wish Foundation that makes sick children's wishes come true. This time a little boy named Do...
Police Commissioner Scipione called on the boy to help rescue Hope Joy, a local journalist kidnapped by Ultron and taken to the Sydney Opera House.
The NSW police, as well as a flurry of fans lined the streets to watch the boy save their city as they cheered him on to victory.
“Hey Domenic, it’s Tony. I’m a little undercover right now. I’ve shaved the beard, hat and glasses, because in case you don’t know there was a civil war recently,” Downey Jr said.
“Trying to keep it on the DL. Anyway, I’ve heard you’ve had quite the day. It’s hard work saving the world isn’t it?
“I hope you had lots of fun. I bet you enjoyed the helicopter ride this morning.
“I just want to wish you all the best. Keep up the good work.
“And listen here, I don’t do this very often, I’m making you an honorary member of the Avengers. I hereby dub thee. Because guess what? Iron Man loves you.”