The charity fundraising event Red Nose Day returns once again this year, a day when people in both Britain and the United States wear red ...
The charity fundraising event Red Nose Day returns once again this year, a day when people in both Britain and the United States wear red noses and tune in for a celebrity-packed prime-time telethon. This coming Friday will be Red Nose Day in Britain; the USA's will not be until May 23.
Writing at LifeNews, The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) says people should shield their wallets from Red Nose Day since those funds may be going toward abortion services like the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Red Nose Day is run by the fund-raising company Comic Relief, which then transfers the profits over to the organization Charity Projects, which then pays out grants to "thousands of exterior charities." While SPUC admits the grants divvied out are difficult to fully research, people should not assume their money will not go into the hands of abortion providers or abortion activists.
"It’s not safe to assume that all money given to Comic Relief will go to causes we approve of," writes SPUC. "While it may or may not be true that Comic Relief does not directly fund abortion services, Charity Projects has a record of supporting all the major UK-based promoters and providers of abortion, such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)."
Comic Relief has claimed the company does "not fund, and have never funded, abortion services or the promotion of abortions."
SPUC continued: "The section on Comic Relief in our charities bulletin lists a number of past recipients of grant money, but they include £374, 694 given to IPPF in January 2011 for work in Swaziland, Mozambique and Ethiopia. IPPF’s 2011 financial report says that IPPF affiliates carried out over 1.5 million abortion-related procedures in that year."
From the looks of it, the story will be no different this year in terms of the organizations that will be given money by Comic Relief.
"The African Women’s Development fund, whose Health and Reproductive Rights Portfolio shows its support for abortion, is listed as receiving grants of £1,240,000 and £1,500,000," SPUC says. "Save the Children, which repeatedly makes its support of abortion clear, such as in this report on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, has been given several large donations."
Various branches of Action Aid will also be given grant money from Comic Relief, an organization that has said "reproductive rights" are the "right to make informed choices about whether or when they have children, the right to access the full range of affordable and informed family planning services, including safe abortion."
So, should people give money to Comic Relief on Red Nose Day? SPUC concludes it may not be worth it and suggests giving money to other charitable organizations with no abortion connections instead. However, the organization says that schools and other faith organizations can celebrate Red Nose Day while giving money to other charities.
"So if you enjoy celebrating Red Nose Day, never fear – there’s no law that says you have to give money to Comic Relief," SPUC concludes. "Do your own research, choose a charity whose aims and practices you completely support, and rest secure that none of your money is going to support abortion."