Excerpts from his new and revised testimony given by Gordon Sondland, the US Ambassador to the European Union were released before his h...
Excerpts from his new and revised testimony given by Gordon Sondland, the US Ambassador to the European Union were released before his hearing in November.
Sondland ‘s testimony was revised after his ‘memory was refreshed’ from reading other testimony to reflect what he described as a ‘quid pro quo message’ delivered to Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine.
Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony.
These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties.
They were meant to send a message.
They were meant to send a message.
The march is on the move... organizers ask everyone to stay on sidewalks, not engage with counter protests or harass customers of Sondland’s hotels pic.twitter.com/76IY5JGavG— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) October 13, 2019
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct.
Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct.
The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will.
Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?
Does anyone really believe this?