Bernie the commie continues to show he is oblivious to history and reality. He has previously taken flak for voicing his support f...
Bernie the commie continues to show he is oblivious to history and reality. He has previously taken flak for voicing his support for communist regimes, such as Cuba and the Soviet Union, while sometimes blaming America for the failures of those systems. But rather than realize it was a mistake to support murderous dictators of decades past, Bernie is doubling down and continuing to say great things about Fidel Castro and the Cuban communist revolution.
Anderson Cooper recently sat down with Bernie for 60 Minutes, and when asked about his previous statements on the comunistas, he said, “When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literary program. Is that a bad thing, even though Fidel Castro did it?” Cooper asks him about the dissidents who were imprisoned, and Bernie goes “That’s right. And we condemn that, unlike Donald Trump, let’s be clear.”
Will AP and Snopes “fact check” Bernie’s last statement?
Bernie’s comments were so inflammatory that even deranged leftist Ana Narvarro started dragging him.
Castro regime’s been in power in Cuba for +60 yrs w/o free elections. They’ve killed, jailed, tortured thousands. They confiscated assets, expelled priests & nuns... And let’s be clear, Cubans weren’t exactly communicating by grunts. Most knew how to read.— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) February 24, 2020
I was in 2nd Grade when Sandinistas came to power in Nicaragua. They adopted Cuban education model. The books/curriculum taught ideological indoctrination. Children had to recite communist, revolutionary, anti-American slogans. That’s how communist teach people to read and write.— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) February 24, 2020
Of course this drew throngs of others on twitter to join in the Bernie Bashing:
Likely Dem nominee praised the supposed “achievements” Castro regime— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 24, 2020
And he’s wrong about why people didn’t overthrow Castro. It’s not because “he educated their kids,gave them health care” it‘s because his opponents were jailed,murdered or exiled
Here's what Cubans thought of that 'literacy program.'— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) February 24, 2020
That “literacy program”? Just communist propaganda.
Bernie Sanders is literally repeating communist propaganda on #60Minutes. Cuba already had one of the highest literacy rates in LatAm before Castro and as a Cuban historian explains here, his "literacy program" was actually a Marxist indoctrination effort.— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) February 24, 2020
Watching Anderson Cooper interview Bernie Sanders on #60Minutes right now.— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) February 24, 2020
And good Lord, watching those 35 year old clips of him defending Fidel Castro is causing me angst.
Dems have made tremendous inroads among Cuban-American voters. With Bernie as the nominee, it’s gone.
This is Cuban writer and poet Reinaldo Arenas. He was jailed numerous times in Cuba for being an outspoken critic of the communist revolution and for being a homosexual. He was sent to the worst prisons in Cuba and survived by helping murders and rapists write letters to their /1— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) February 24, 2020
I know several Cuban refugees who have similar stories. Shot in the street for sharing their ration of soap. Imprisoned so their small business could be seized.— Kaz Weida (@kazweida) February 24, 2020
Please don’t be that American academic that tries to mansplain how great Castro was to Cuban refugees. It’s insulting.
In an effort to win the state of Florida, Bernie Sanders just went on 60 Minutes and... praised Fidel Castro?— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) February 24, 2020
Wait, does he understand how badly this plays with Cuban-American voters? Is he trying to LOSE Florida?
Who’s Bernie going to praise next, Jack the Ripper?
"On May 27, [1966,] 166 Cubans -- civilians & members of the military -- were executed & submitted to medical procedures of blood extraction of an average of seven pints per person. This blood is sold to Communist Vietnam at a rate of $50 per pint.”— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 24, 2020
But at least they could read.
Fidel Castro's legacy:— Hoosier Democrat (@DemocratHoosier) February 24, 2020
• the mass executions of Batista officials
• the internment of thousands of LGBTQ Cubans
• the block-by-block surveillance of the entire citizenry
• the repeated purges, complete with show trials and executions, of the ruling party
Before they nominate Castro fanboy Bernie, now is probably a GOOD time for Democrats—if they are unaware—to learn about how Castro put Cuban homosexuals in UMAP concentration camps— skepticalifornia (@skepticaliblog) February 24, 2020
Castro's version of "Arbeit macht frei":
"El trabajo os hará hombres"
I don't need to ask anyone.— Carlos (@CarlosQban) February 24, 2020
I'm Cuban , I know how Cuba was and how Cuba is know.
The tyranny its been in power and keeping the cuban people slave for more than 60 years.
I think me, a Cuban-American. Who’s Grandparents were ALIVE during the start of the Castro Regime, lived long enough to tell me stories about the things they witnessed. Knows what she’s talking about. Put the book down, maybe, and listen to first account stories from the people.— bbyyuli__ (@bbyyuli1) February 24, 2020
But it also drew out hardcore communists, who are defending Bernie.
I don't know who needs to hear this but the Cubans are the good guys and Americans are the villains— tuunbaq for what (@BespokeHoover) February 24, 2020
people talking about how bernie is gonna lose cuban-american voters in florida now as if their racist gusano asses were gonna vote for him in the first place lmaooo— ari (@yayarry) February 24, 2020
Bernie said Cuba's literacy program is good.— 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚛 (@SocialistBoomer) February 24, 2020's true.
Bernie said the CIA has committed crimes and overthrown governments.'s true
Galaxy brain: CIA tried to overthrow the Cuban government partly bc the threat of a good example of its literacy and social programs
The Cuban Revolution has lifted millions of people out of poverty, created a system that provides for people's material needs and built a premier medical system, all while facing a total embargo and ceaseless hostility from the US— Chosun Chillbo (@hermit_hwarang) February 24, 2020
Castro wasn't. White Cubans who left the island hated him because Castro hated their racism.— #MisfitBlackGirl🔥🌹 #BloombergIsRacist (@MistinguetteGr1) February 24, 2020
Perhaps this was some establishment DNC ambush to take down Bernie, as they clearly don’t want him to be the nominee. And don’t forget, Bernie’s own staffers were recently caught on hidden camera talking about how they will throw dissenters and the rich into prison camps once they seize power here.
At least he combed his hair for the interview.