The people are woke. An “Epstein didn’t kill himself” float made Mardi Gras this year. The float was followed by the “Swinging Epste...
The people are woke.
An “Epstein didn’t kill himself” float made Mardi Gras this year.
An “Epstein didn’t kill himself” float made Mardi Gras this year.
The float was followed by the “Swinging Epsteins,” which consisted of a bunch of convicted Jefferys walking down the street with nooses around their necks.— Paul Blair (@gopaulblair) February 22, 2020
The float was followed by an army of men with Epstein wigs in orange jumpsuits.
Krewe d’Etat took aim at local and national satire this year. The theme was “The Dic Goes to Mardi Gras.” This krewe is led by a Dictator instead of a king. From headlines here at home to across the country, the Krewe targeted it all.— Very Local New Orleans (@verylocalnola) February 22, 2020
📸: @MichaelDeMocker for @verylocalnola