A lawyer who sued Florida governor Ron DeSantis to try to force a closure of public beaches now says he will start wearing a Grim Reaper c...
A lawyer who sued Florida governor Ron DeSantis to try to force a closure of public beaches now says he will start wearing a Grim Reaper costume to the beaches to warn beachgoers against congregating there.
Daniel Uhlfelder, who gained a following after feuding with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee about whether the beach in front of Huckabee’s Florida property should be considered public, said to NBC News of his Grim Reaper stunt, “I felt like something needed to be done, because they’re moving very quickly to open beaches prematurely. Wearing a Grim Reaper costume seems like a good way to send a signal that this is too fast and that we need to think seriously before we take that step.”
Uhlfelder tweeted, “Many of you have asked if I am willing to travel around Florida wearing Grim Reaper attire to the beaches and other areas of the state opening up prematurely. The answer is absolutely yes. Beginning May 1 we will hit the road here in state. Please retweet and spread the word.”
Many of you have asked if I am willing to travel around Florida wearing Grim Reaper attire to the beaches and other areas of the state opening up prematurely. The answer is absolutely yes. Beginning May 1 we will hit the road here in state. Please retweet and spread the word.
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On Friday, DeSantis approved of the reopening of Florida beaches as long as social distancing was practiced. The beaches will be open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and closed all other times.
Uhlfelder reacted, “I’m just trying to take all the steps to ensure our safety and trying to get creative about it. I’ve sued the governor. We’re in court with him. It looks like they’re rushing to do this, and it’s just too soon.”
NBC News noted that in March, Uhlfelder wore a paintball costume at beaches as he badgered people about maintaining social distance. After one woman commented that he was “scaring people,” he said, “I said, ‘OK, that’s good.’ If people are scared, then they’ll leaves. I want to go back to normal as soon as possible, too, but opening our beaches too early is not the way to do this.”
Uhlfleder is also associating his Grim Reaper campaign with his desire to raise money for Democrats. On the website associated with the Make My Day PAC, which he launched and said was “dedicated to the Americans who refuse to be silenced by bad actors,” he writes:
Many have asked if I would travel the coastal towns of Florida to warn our fellow Floridians about the dangers of not social distancing in the attire of the Grim Reaper, and the answer is a resounding yes!Join us to help raise funds to distribute equally to Democrats running for federal office. They include, but are not limited to: the opponent of Matt Gaetz, Phil Ehr; and Christy Smith, who’s running in the special election in CA on May 12 to fill the vacancy caused by Katie Hill.