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Brazil president still telling people to 'ignore lockdown' despite 6,000 coronavirus deaths and nearly 100,000 infected.

More than 6,000 people in Brazil have died from coronavirus - but president Jair Bolsonaro insists residents continue to ignore isolation ...

More than 6,000 people in Brazil have died from coronavirus - but president Jair Bolsonaro insists residents continue to ignore isolation orders.
To date, 87,364 people have been infected with Covid-19 in the South American country, with more deaths than China. 
Since the global outbreak, Bolsonaro's view has dismissed the need for social distancing, claiming the disease has been 'exaggerated'.
And locals appear to agree, with support for isolation faltering as more and more pro-Bolsonaro supporters agree with the president's views about coronavirus.
Brazil is said to still be weeks away from the peak of the virus, but there appear to be no signs of any strict lockdown measures.
He said only high-risk residents should isolate. When questioned about the worryingly high death toll, Bolsonaro replied: " So what? I'm sorry. What do you want me to do?"
Residents in Brazil are ignoring lockdown measures despite thousands of deaths in the country 
Divina Baldomero, 75, is one of many that are defying the lockdown.
She told the Mail Online : "At first I thought [the shutdown] was viable.
"Later, I came to think we will have more economic difficulties, with the poverty there is. There should be a different way so we can be free of this."
Personal trainer Gabriela Pugliesi, told her 4.5 million instagram followers to  stay home and take care of themselves after she contracted Covid-19.
But after recovering, she threw a party at her apartment in Sao Paulo, where no one wore masks and in one video Pugliesi posted, she and friends shouted 'Screw life!' into the camera.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro 
Some Brazilians are playing down the impact of coronavirus 

Many others play down coronavirus as to nothing worse than the flu.
Lilia Santiago, a 51-year-old dentist, said: "People at risk, with respiratory problems, auto-immune diseases, should take care, which doesn't mean they can't go out.
"We can't be locked inside an apartment or house. We need to circulate, but safely.
"You don't stand next to someone with a cold.
"Flu kills more than coronavirus, folks! A lot of things kill more than coronavirus!"
There have been mass protests in Brazil about the lockdown 

Last month, chilling pictures emerged of mass graves that shows the extend of the  coronavirus  pandemic that has gripped Brazil.
It is speculated that some victims may not feature in the figures because they were not tested after they died.
The nephew of Vítor Batista, who was buried in one of the mass graves at Vila Formosa in São Paulo, said his uncle may have been a victim after he died on pneumonia.
A woman poses for a picture next to the statue of Brazilian writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Ulisses Frutuoso said his uncle passed away before the results of his Covid-19 tests returned.
Three grave diggers, one dressed in a white protective smock, lowered the 96-year-old into his final resting place.
Workers at the cemetery of said they are sure Covid-19 has claimed more casualties than official statistics suggest and burials have shot up by 50 per cent since the first reported case of coronavirus arrived in Brazil in late February.
Aerial picture showing a burial taking place at an area where new graves have been dug up at the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery in Manaus, in the Amazon forest in Brazil

One anonymous grave digger told : "We have been burying a lot. Many arrive here before getting the test results."
Bolsonaro previously slammed state governors for imposing partial lockdowns and fired his popular health minister, Dr Luiz Henrique Mandetta, after he said he wanted tighter social distancing rules and that there were more cases than those confirmed - calling the official figures 'the tip of the iceberg'.
A spokesman for the Health Operations and Intelligence Nucleus, or NOIS, said it was difficult to estimate the actual number of deaths because of the speed the virus is spreading combined with the low number of tests taking place.
He added: “The high degree of under-reporting may give a false impression about disease control and, consequently, could lead to a decline in the implementation of containment actions.”

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