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Monday, March 17


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Homophobes Attack This Perfectly Innocent Same-Sex Lorikeet Couple, Get Shut Down By Denver Zoo

In 1999, biologist Bruce Bagemihl debunked the heterosexual Noah’s Ark we were sold and published a groundbreaking study “ Biological Exub...

In 1999, biologist Bruce Bagemihl debunked the heterosexual Noah’s Ark we were sold and published a groundbreaking study “Biological Exuberance,” where he documented more than 450 animal species that engage in homosexual behavior. Thanks to science, we now know that the animal kingdom is full of same-sex partnerships, from primates to parasites, and there’s no big deal about it.
The Denver Zoo is also a home for one lovely same-sex couple. Apollo and Trey are colorful lorikeets that have fallen head over heels for each other! “With these lorikeets, they perform courtship dances, preen each other, build nests, defend their territory & copulate,” tweeted the Zoo staff.
But not everyone was happy with the gay lovebirds. The homophobic comments started pouring in, but the Denver Zoo shut it down like a real badass. Let’s see how the whole discussion unfolded in the Twitter thread down below. 

Meet the same-sex lorikeet couple Apollo and Trey living in Denver Zoo

Image credits: DenverZoo

Here’s the video of the two lovebirds having a blast

If you thought our flamingos were cool, our coconut lorikeets are already dressed in their 🌈 best! These birds are native to Southeast Asia, but you can find them at our Lorikeet Adventure! Bird care expert Anton tells us about our same-sex lorikeet pair: Apollo and Trey.
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Image credits: DenverZoo
Image credits: DenverZoo

But some commentators were confused by what the “same-sex” refers to

Image credits: Kim59Powers

And the Zoo staff handled the question with ease

Image credits: DenverZoo
According to scientists, same-sex relationships are all too common in the animal world. Jasper Buikx, a biologist at Amsterdam’s ARTIS Zoo, told DW: “Being homosexual is very common and no problem in the natural world at all. In fact, we see more heterophobia than homophobia in the animal kingdom.”
There are many different reasons why animals engage in homosexual activity, from a lack of heterosexual partners to seeking pleasure, settling fights, or forming social bonds. However, some animals have been observed having exclusively gay relationships and same-sex families.

Here’s another rude comment

Image credits: Lorie_Acosta

But the Zoo cleared all the confusion up by explaining everything loud and clear

Image credits: DenverZoo
Image credits: DenverZoo
According to DW, birds like vultures, geese, and ducks, are known for sticking to one partner for life. Those who choose a same-sex partner will also stick with them until the end. About 30% of albatross pairs on Oahu island are made up of 2 females. 20% of swan couples are known to be gay too, to name just a few examples.

And people showed their support for Apollo and Trey

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Image credits: agentduckorico
Image credits: WynneRichport
Image credits: interruptingkau
Image credits: designhylton
Image credits: KittenBlueArt
Image credits: Byzantiumroses

And this is what others had to say