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Moment disabled Army veteran with schizophrenia is shot and killed by Las Vegas cop after he lunged at officers with a samurai sword as they begged him to stop

Police in Nevada have released video of the moment an officer fatally shoots a sword-wielding man who was lunging toward him, as he tried ...

Police in Nevada have released video of the moment an officer fatally shoots a sword-wielding man who was lunging toward him, as he tried to calm him down outside an apartment complex.
Justin Charland, 40, is seen in Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's bodycam footage from after 11am Tuesday when two officers responded to two calls about the man who 'was outside his apartment yelling at neighbors and talking to himself'. 
The clip was released Friday during a media briefing where it was revealed how Officer Vincen Segura, 27, asked to speak with Charland and to get him help, and how the department had previously provided him with 'services related to mental health issues'.

This Tuesday, May 5, video image released Friday by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police shows an incident in which a sword-wielding man was fatally shot
This Tuesday, May 5, video image released Friday by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police shows an incident in which a sword-wielding man was fatally shot
The agitated man had a 34-inch samurai sword and aggressively approached responding cops
The agitated man had a 34-inch samurai sword and aggressively approached responding cops 
The department had previously provided him with 'services related to mental health issues'
His sister said after his death that he was a veteran with schizophrenia
The department had previously provided him with 'services related to mental health issues'. His sister said after his death that he was a veteran with schizophrenia
After a few minutes of police being on the scene, Charland bounded down the stairs while brandishing the sword despite Segura's calls for him to put down the weapon. 
As the officer and Charland both spoke loudly, Charland could be heard saying he was a ninja. 
Assistant Sheriff Brett Zimmerman said Charland also said he was going to kill the officers.

'I’m trying to understand; I want to talk to you, I want to get you some help,' Segura was heard telling Charland. 
'Justin, put that down,' Segura said as Charland stood on the second floor.
Charland replied: 'No, I will die.' 
At another point Charland said: 'You die, military style.' 
Justin Charland, 40, is seen standing on the second floor of the Sandland Apartments in Nevada after 11am
Justin Charland, 40, is seen standing on the second floor of the Sandland Apartments in Nevada after 11am
The video shows Charland advancing toward Las Vegas police officers who say he lunged at officers while police were trying to de-escalate a disturbance call
The video shows Charland advancing toward Las Vegas police officers who say he lunged at officers while police were trying to de-escalate a disturbance call
The man was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead after being shot by Vincen Segura. Now authorities are investigating use of force by police
The man was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead after being shot by Vincen Segura. Now authorities are investigating use of force by police
'Don't come at me with that, Justin. Come on, man, you don’t want to do this,' Segura shouted to Charland before he approached within a few yards of the officer outside the Sandhill Apartments.
The video showed Segura backing up away from the approaching man who told them 'shoot me' and repeatedly instructed them to 'run'.
Charland then lunged forward with the sword in front of him and toward the officers.
Segura fired approximately three times, fatally wounding Charland. The encounter lasted about 10 minutes. Police released two-and-a-half minuted of body-camera footage.
Charland was transported to Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center but did not survive. 
From 2002 to 2008, Charland was arrested three times in Clark County. Charges on his wrap sheet include trespassing, disorderly conduct, battery on a police officer/school employee, resisting a public officer without a weapon, and obstructing a public officer
From 2002 to 2008, Charland was arrested three times in Clark County. Charges on his wrap sheet include trespassing, disorderly conduct, battery on a police officer/school employee, resisting a public officer without a weapon, and obstructing a public officer
From 2002 to 2008, Charland was arrested three times in Clark County. Charges on his wrap sheet include trespassing, disorderly conduct, battery on a police officer/school employee, resisting a public officer without a weapon, and obstructing a public officer. 
Zimmerman said Charland would have been arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and resisting with a deadly weapon if he had survived.
Charland's sister said that he was a disabled Army veteran with schizophrenia and that police had visited his home three times. 
She wrote in a Facebook post that Charland was off his medication and his family had requested help multiple times after neighbors had complained to the building manager. 
On February 28 he changed his Facebook job status to 'immortal ring bearer'. 
'Justin was left in his home UNMEDICATED to allow the situation to escalate and this resulted in him getting shot by police when he reacted violently,' Jackie Charland wrote.
She added that Charland's case could help change how mentally disabled veterans and other mentally ill individuals are treated 'when they can't protect themselves or control the way the react'.
'It's wrong to KILL someone who can't tell you what's wrong,' Jackie added. 
A police statement said a police team was investigating the officer's use of force and that the findings would be forwarded to the Clark County District Attorney´s Office for review.
A different police team was examining the incident for a review focused on policy, tactics and training, a statement said.
Charland is seen in a Facebook picture
A police team was examining the incident for a review focused on policy, tactics and training
A police team was examining the incident for a review focused on policy, tactics and training
His sister Jackie Charland wrote on Facebook that he was off his medication and his family had requested help multiple times after neighbors had complained to the building manager
His sister Jackie Charland wrote on Facebook that he was off his medication and his family had requested help multiple times after neighbors had complained to the building manager

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