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Poet whose viral coronavarius verse has been viewed by 18 million people tells This Morning that the world can emerge from the pandemic as a better place if we all 'believe' it will happen (5 Pics)

A poet who went viral with his poem about how coronavirus could ultimately make the world a better place has been hailed 'amazing'...

A poet who went viral with his poem about how coronavirus could ultimately make the world a better place has been hailed 'amazing' by This Morning viewers for his 'beautiful' words.  
Tom Roberts, from London, who works in the film industry, wrote The Great Revelation, a poem full of optimism on the future of the world post Covid-19. 
Accompanied by a heartfelt video, the clip quickly went viral last week, gathering more than 18 millions views, as people gushed over the video's beautiful message that the world will emerge from the pandemic as a better place. 
Speaking to Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on a video call on This Morning, Tom said he didn't think being optimistic was a 'natural thing' to be, but stressed  that it's more important than ever. 
Viewers swooned over the sweet poet, calling him 'adorable' and praising his 'amazing poem.'
Tom Roberts, from London, who works in the film industry, wrote 'The Great Revelation,' a poem full of optimism on the future of the world post Covid-19. He was invited on This Morning to discuss the poem, which has now gone viral
Tom Roberts, from London, who works in the film industry, wrote 'The Great Revelation,' a poem full of optimism on the future of the world post Covid-19. He was invited on This Morning to discuss the poem, which has now gone viral 

The Great Realisation, by Tom Roberts

''Tell me the one about the virus again, then I'll go to bed.
'But my boy, you're growing weary, sleepy thoughts about your head.
'Please! That one's my favourite. I promise just once more.
'Okay, snuggle down my boy, though I know you know full well                          The story starts before then, in a world I once dwelled
'It was a world of waste and wonder, of poverty and plenty                                Back before we understood why hindsight's 2020
'You see the people people came up with companies to trade across all lands. But they swelled and got bigger than we could ever have planned
'We'd always had our wants, but now it got so quick.                                                You could have everything you dreamed of in a day and with a click.
'We noticed families had stopped talking. That's not to say they never spoke. But the meaning must have melted and the work life balance broke.
'And the children's eyes got squarer and every toddler had a phone.                They filtered out the imperfections but amidst the noise, they felt alone.
'And every day the sky grew thicker, til we couldn't see the stars.                          So we flew in planes to find them while down below we filled our cars.
'We'd drive around all day in circles. We'd forgotten how to run.                            We swapped the grass for tarmarc, shrunk the parks till there were none.
'We filled the sea with pladtic cause our waste was never capped.                    Until each day when you went fishing, you'd pull them out already wrapped.
'And while we drank and smoked and gambled, our leaders taught us why,      It's best to not upset the lobbies, more convenient to die.
'But then in 2020, a new virus came our way.                                                                The government reacted and told us all to hide away.
'But while we were all hidden, amidst the fear and all the while,                            The people dusted off their instincts, they remembered how to smile.
'They started clapping to say thank you, and calling up their mums. 
'And while the the cars keys were gathering dust, they would look forward to their runs.
'And with the sky less full of planes, the earth began to breathe.                          And the beaches brought new wildlife that scattered off into the seas.
'Some people started dancing, some were singing, some were baking.          We'd grown so used to bad news but some good news was in the making.
'And so when we found the cure and were allowed to go outside,                        We all preferred the world we found to the one we'd left behind.
'Old habits became extinct,and they made way for the new.                                And every simple act of kindness was now given its due.'
'But why did it take a virus to bring the people back together?'                        'Well, sometimes, you got to get sick, my boy, before you start feeling better.
'Now lie down, and dream of tomorrow, and all the things that we can do.      And who knows, maybe if you dream strong enough, make some of them will come true.
'We now call it the Great Realisation, and yes, since then there have been many.                                                                                                                                            'But that's the story of how it started, and why hindsight's 2020.'

Discussing his poem's positive message, Tom explained: 'I've always loved doing these poems, and this is the first time that a lot of people have watched one, which is very humbling.'
The poet said he saw the amazing number of views his video gathered is an indicator that people agree it was a 'good idea to be optimistic.'
He said he tried to be positive himself but admitted: 'I don't think it's a natural thing to be for anyone.'
'Either its a catastrophe from which the world will never recover, or it's a catastrophe that from which we could potentially learn how to be kinder and fairer and more sustainable and more progressive.
Speaking on the morning show, Tom highlighted why it was important to remain optimistic during the pandemic
Speaking on the morning show, Tom highlighted why it was important to remain optimistic during the pandemic 
Viewers fount the poet 'adorable' and agreed with the message of his poem, which was played on This Morning
Viewers fount the poet 'adorable' and agreed with the message of his poem, which was played on This Morning
'I think the magic is that if you choose to believe that some good can come out of something really bad, the probability of that happening increases,' he added. 
He said the opposite was true, and that if people only saw the possibility of bad incomes, the world would support their theory too.   
'The Great Revelation' video sees Tom reading a bedtime story to a child out of the camera's view. 
The scene supposedly takes place after the coronavirus crisis is over, in a not-so-distant future.  
In the first part of the poem, he explains the world was 'going around in circle,' trapped in over consumption, pollution and that the world's eco-system at suffered as a result of global warming. 
In the video illustrating the poem, Tom reads a bedtime story to a child, explaining how Coronavirus made people more appreciative of the world once the crisis was over
In the video illustrating the poem, Tom reads a bedtime story to a child, explaining how Coronavirus made people more appreciative of the world once the crisis was over 
Speaking to Phil and Holly via a video call,
Speaking to Phil and Holly via a video call, 
He also explains that families had completely become dependent on technology, and spent less time connecting than ever, with their eyes always stuck on their phones from infancy to adulthood.  
But, halfway through the poem, he says that the occurrence of the coronavirus in 2020 changed society for the better, with people paying attention to their loved ones instead of their phones.  
When the child he is reading the story to asks 'But why did it take a virus?' Tom replies: 'Sometimes you got to get sick, my boy, before you start feeling better.
Viewers were seduced by the poet's positive outlook on the unprecedented pandemic. 
'Tom is adorable. That poem is amazing ,' one said.
'The man with the poem - what a truly lovely man,' another said.
'Lovely, lovely poem by #TomRoberts on @ThisMorning just now. Tugs at heart strings. Can't find it on Youtube or online anywhere to share mind, but beautiful,' another wrote. 

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