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Wisconsin Elections Commission Approves Plan to Send Mail-In Ballot Applications to Every Registered Voter (5 Cartoons)

The elections commission in the swing state of Wisconsin just approved a plan to send absentee ballot application to every registered vote...

The elections commission in the swing state of Wisconsin just approved a plan to send absentee ballot application to every registered voter in the state.
Via The Hill:
The Wisconsin Elections Commission on Wednesday approved a plan to send absentee ballot applications to more than 2.7 million registered voters, in a move that comes as President Trump continues to attack the ballot method as one that leads to fraud.
The move comes as states grapple with how to deal with elections amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The decision from the commission follows an April primary in which the state saw a dramatic increase in applications to vote by mail and states

After meeting in a public video conference to address the proposal, the six-member commission unanimously approved a plan to send an application form and a pre-paid envelope to about 2.7 million registered state voters, Reuters reported.
Several other battleground states have ramped up voting by mail efforts, most notably Michigan and Nevada. The president has threatened to withhold funds from both states if they continue down the vote by mail path.
The president is not the only one to claim that using paper ballots, like an absentee ballot, invites more fraud.
For example watch this flashback clip from 2004 in which Rep. Jerry Nadler claims that paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud, and that he personally knows of vote malfeasance that would make your “head spin.”
Today of course Democrats and their media allies claim voter fraud is a right wing myth but in 2004 they were singing a very different tune.
Also we know that if Democrats thought mail-in voting would hurt them they would resist it with every tool at their disposal.
The fact that they are so enthusiastic about the idea of mail in voting tells you everything you need to know about it.
Partial transcript:
NADLER: “Thank you. I just — it’s a very tempting point. I just, as a very experienced practical politician from New York, feel constrained to observe that in my experience in New York, paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud.
And at least with the old clunking voting machines that we have in New York, the deliberate fraud is way down compared to paper.
When the machines break down, they vote on paper and we’ve had real problems.
So that’s a — that is — there’s got to be a way — there’s got to be a way — I’m simply observing that as a problem. There’s got to be a way of getting the best of our methodologies.”
WOMAN: “But, in fact, the MIT studies have shown that hand-counted paper ballots are among the most reliable. And at least if there’s a miscount, you can discover it. You can’t discover miscounts with these machines.”
NADLER: “Well, there may be optical scan with paper. I want paper trail. I want paper somewhere. But pure paper with no machines, I can show you — I can show you experience which would make your head spin.”

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