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After Abandoning His Post Like a Coward, AWOL Jeff Sessions Says Flynn Was “Improperly Targeted” by Comey, Strzok

After recusing himself like a coward and allowing Rosenstein and Mueller to hijack the Justice Department for two years – which ended in...

After recusing himself like a coward and allowing Rosenstein and Mueller to hijack the Justice Department for two years – which ended in a bloodbath of Trump associates, Sessions had the nerve to weigh in on Flynn’s case Wednesday.
Sessions cited the wrong law when he recused himself from the Russia investigation and all things Hillary Clinton the first day on the job as US Attorney General.
General Mike Flynn was targeted for ruin all because Sessions was a coward and handed over the DOJ to Deep State crooks.
Sessions could have unrecused himself and taken control of the DOJ, but he sat on the sidelines and did NOTHING.
It was AG Barr’s DOJ that dropped the case against Flynn.
Now Sessions is gas-lighting General Flynn!
“The set-up of General Flynn (while I was still a senator in early 2017) we now see was highly improper targeting & was personally directed by then-FBI Director James Comey, with the help of Peter Strzok, as we have learned from recently-unveiled FBI documents.” Sessions said in a tweet.
“It is high time that justice was served for General Flynn and that Attorney General Barr’s move to dismiss the case was rightly upheld by the appellate court. I am happy for General Flynn and his family!” he added.
Thankfully Trump fired Jeff Sessions and brought on Bill Barr to be his new Attorney General. Barr took control of Mueller’s witch hunt and immediately shut it down.
Jeff Sessions previously said that Mueller’s two-year inquisition and attempted coup was “carried out vigorously and with integrity.”
Senator Rand Paul’s Chief strategist Doug Stafford blasted Sessions.

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