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Antifa Terrorists Discuss Plans to Expand Their Occupied Autonomous Zone in Seattle — Begin Shakedown of Local Businesses

Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle over the weekend. The antifa terrorists are adv...

Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle over the weekend.
The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.
The Antifa group set up barricades at the border and certain areas for dining and public speech.
Andy Ngo reported on this yesterday.
The antifa mob believes the district now belongs to them.
On Tuesday “Free Capitol Hill” the antifa “Autonomous Zone” released its list of demands from the Seattle and Washington State governments.
On Wednesday local business owners captured in the Antifa district reported threats by the Antifa Goons if they would not pay for their security.
And the Antifa mob is already discussing expanding their territory inside Seattle.
They are looking at police precincts to invade.
Following the surrender of the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department to an Antifa mob and the occupation of Seattle City Hall, a source on the ground in Seattle says that other police precincts around the city are preparing to be the next targets.
Regarding the autonomous zone established by the Antifa-led mob, the source—whose anonymity we are protecting—says, “They bar media from entering and screen people coming in. They are walking around fully armed. Talking about making their own currency and making their own flag. SPD is talking about abandoning the west precinct now.
“West precinct has the 911 call centre. This is just like the Occupy movement. Soon we will have feces and drugs everywhere and people getting assaulted and raped in the encampments.
Read the rest here.

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