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Biden Campaign Staffers, Celebrities Donate Funds to Help Bail Out Rioters Arrested in Minneapolis (3 Cartoons)

At least 13 members of 2020 candidate Joe Biden’s campaign have donated to a far-left group that bails out rioters who have been arrested...

At least 13 members of 2020 candidate Joe Biden’s campaign have donated to a far-left group that bails out rioters who have been arrested from Minneapolis and potentially other Democrat run cities across the country.
Via Fox News:
At least 13 members of Joe Biden’s campaign staff have made donations to a group that helps Minneapolis protesters get out of jail on bail, according to a report.
The staffers posted on Twitter that they contributed money to a group called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of making people who are arrested pay money to avoid pre-trial imprisonment, Reuters reported.
Biden himself opposes cash bail, comparing it to a “modern day debtors prison,” campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told Reuters.

But the campaign would not comment on whether the staffers’ donations were made in coordination with the former vice president’s campaign, the report said.
Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday, the Minnesota Freedom Fund raised about $20 million over four days, Forbes reported.
Prior to Floyd’s death, the group had raised only about $75,000 to $80,000 so far in 2020, the report said.
Celebrities who’ve helped spread the word about the group include singer and actress Janelle Monae and actor Seth Rogan, both of whom have pledged to match donations, Forbes reported. But the group has since announced it is no longer soliciting donations and urges people to instead donate to Floyd’s family or African-American community organizations in the Twin Cities area.
One of the biggest problems with the campaign of so called moderate Joe Biden is that so many of his staffers are far, far left.
The type of people who are happy to see America burning if it might hurt Trump, and could care less about all of the people hurt along the way.
Of course Joe Biden himself is in that category. He calls bail “modern day debtors prison” which tells you all you need to know about his view of law and order.
The Obama administration fanned the flames of several riots so it’s no surprise the staff of the former VP would want to add fuel to the already burning fires.
Vile, despicable, but entirely predictable.

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