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Wednesday, March 26


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Catholic Priest Attempts to Defend St. Louis Statue from Further Leftist Vandalism — Leftist Mob Threatens to TAKE CATHEDRAL NEXT! (VIDEO)

On Friday, in the most egregious attack on this rally yet, St. Louis City Treasurer Tishaura Jones posted several tweets attacking Mayor Krewson and labeling local Christians “KKK” for holding a prayer rally to save the St. Louis statue in Forest Park.
Of course, hundreds of Black Lives Matter and antifa activists turned out today to counter a Christian prayer rally.
Several of Christians turned out and at least three priests were in the crowd.
At one point Rev. Stephen Shumacher, a priest with the St. Louis Archdiocese took a microphone and started to tell the crowd about the life of St.Louis. Of course, none of the protest mob had any idea why they were there or who they were protesting.
As Father Shumacher tried to tell the mob about St. Louis the mob shouted him down, screamed at him and hurled insults.

At one point you can hear an individual making threats against the St. Louis Cathedral, “Eventually, we’re taking that too!”
This is not a peaceful protest movement we are witnessing.
This is a Marxist revolution.