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Cory Booker: You Can Be Sure ‘Trump Is Going to Try to Weaponize’ Defund the Police Slogan (3 Cartoons)

Watch as New Jersey Senator Cory Booker claims that President Trump is going to try and weaponize the Democrats cry to “defund the police....

Watch as New Jersey Senator Cory Booker claims that President Trump is going to try and weaponize the Democrats cry to “defund the police.”
This claim by Booker is almost laughable.
Of course the President is going to “weaponize” Democrat’s insane “defund the police” slogan.
It sure seems like defunding or reducing funding to police departments is what many Democrats want to do.
The average American thinks that’s a stupid idea, so Trump is going to not only fight it he’s going to rightly demonize Democrats for being so insanely dumb.
That said, Democrats try and weaponize every single thing that happens and blame Trump for it. If big city police departments and policing is racist who has been in charge of these cities for generations?
Trump has only been in politics for four years or so, yet Democrats blame every problem in the world on him.
Partial transcript:
MITCHELL: “Let me ask you about a political backlash potentially to the whole protest demand of defunding police.
Now I know it’s in many cities such as, or beginning in Los Angeles and New York, to be reallocating money for other kinds of enforcement or other kinds of community work, but defunding could be used by opponents, by the president, to demonize Democrats in this election year, both in the Senate and of course the national campaign.
And do you have any — as a former mayor, do you have any sympathy for what Mayor Frey in Minneapolis experienced where he was — he’s a police reformer elected on police reform and was shouted out of a rally, out of a protest rally this weekend.”
BOOKER: “Well, anytime you hear a slogan being articulated by activists who are seeking an end that can probably inspire a lot of common folks you can be sure that Donald Trump is going to try to weaponize that slogan. He tried to weaponize Black Lives matter.
He tried to weaponize a Green New Deal. And he is trying to weaponize these. But, again, listen to the activists, the spirit of what they’re calling to, a society that invests in human well-being, therefore, not necessitating is much of an investment in police departments.
I was a mayor, the biggest line items we had in our budget were for policing and I would defend those budgets because of the urgencies, because we were not as a larger society creating systems of mental health care, creating systems that supported the low-income communities.
We have to have a larger conversation in this country about where we have taken our dollars. Between the time I was in law school, to the time I was mayor of that big city, we were building a new jail or prison every ten days, to become a nation that claims we’re land of the free with only 5 percent of the nation’s population we incarcerate one of every four people on the planet Earth.
That is a distorted dystopian present that we are such an over incarcerating body when there’s actually independent studies that just do a balance sheet analysis, that would be so much cheaper to invest in elevating human potential with health care or drug treatment, than it is to incarcerate those folks and release them back on the streets where they’re more traumatized, more hurt, more vulnerable and unable, even, economically to get jobs or the kind of things that can sustain them.
This is something we all — can commonly come together and try to do something about.”

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