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D.C. Police Union Chief Sounds Alarm, Study Shows 70% of Members Considering Leaving Police Department (5 Cartoons)

Watch as the D.C. police union chief, Greggory Prembenton, sounds the alarm, saying that up to 70% of the members of his department are co...

Watch as the D.C. police union chief, Greggory Prembenton, sounds the alarm, saying that up to 70% of the members of his department are considering leaving the police department:
This is very sobering.
Many big cities may have no need to defund the police after all their officers resign.
After all if the city leaders and the criminals both have a target on your back, why give it all? There are better and easier ways to make a living.

Residents of Democrat run big cities are about to get a hard lesson on what it means to get rid of the police.
Read the transcript of this very sobering and alarming segment:
HOST: “Let’s talk about the repercussions of not necessarily having police, you know giving them the ability to do their job, excuse me, because shootings have surged in major cities like New York with police mourning.
It may be the new normal. So, you know, the question is what is going to like nation-wide?
Take a look at a number on your screen, 125 New York shooting incidents the first 3 weeks of June. And the New York City rise in crime 2020 vs 2019.
You can see the numbers here; 64 percent increase in shooting, 79 percent increase in murders, and then you have auto, theft and burglary increasing as well.
What do those numbers say to you about what’s happening right now?”
PEMBENTON: “Yeah, it’s pretty alarming. And those are the same numbers that we are seeing in a lot of other cities. And here in the District of Columbia our homicide rate is up 10 percent already this year.
I think this harkens back to 2015 when the chief of St. Louis Police Department called the term Ferguson effect after the upraises that occurred there. And I think that what we saw after that was police officers got the impression nationwide that citizens and governments alike did not want them doing any proactive police thing.
They didn’t want them going out and patrol in their neighborhoods. Those officers still responded to calls for service, 911 calls, but that was about all they did. And any time you see that situation you’re going to see crime numbers spike exponentially because the police officers are not doing the job of interdicting the crime that they normally do.
My concerns are that what’s going on right now makes what happened in 2015 look like child’s play. And I think rather than seeing police officers sit on your hands or fail to be more apprehensive about doing police work, I think you’ll actually see people leaving law enforcement.
We recently did a study of our own members and we found that over 70 percent were considering leaving the police department, and the fast majority were considering leaving law enforcement altogether.
And I think when you start taking away people’s working conditions, their employee rights, you know in Colorado we saw they removed qualified immunity for police officers there, and I think when people realize that they put their lives and their freedom, and their families in jeopardy they’re going to start looking at other careers.
So I think what we saw in 2015 were cops sort of took a step back and stopped doing that, I think that if things keep going the way they are going, I think you’re going to see a lot of police officers leave law enforcement and that’s going to leave us in a really bad place.”

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