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DEFUND?! Homicides Soar in America’s Biggest Cities Amid Race Rioters

“Defund the police”? Tell that to Los Angelenos. Race rioters have swept the country since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day...

“Defund the police”?
Tell that to Los Angelenos.
Race rioters have swept the country since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day while in the custody of Minneapolis police officers. But since liberals have demanded that major cities do away with their police departments, crime has soared — especially in Los Angeles.
Homicides in the city jumped 250% last week compared to the same period last year, even as local leaders’ call to slash $150 million from the police department’s operating budget. 
“The week of 5/31 to 6/6, homicides went up 250% and victims shot went up 56% compared to the previous week. The past 24 hrs has seen 4 shootings, one of those resulting in a homicide. Detectives are following leads to ID & arrest the suspects—but we’re also asking for your help,” the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) wrote on social media.
The week of 5/31 to 6/6, homicides went up 250% and victims shot went up 56% compared to the previous week.

The past 24 hrs has seen 4 shootings, one of those resulting in a homicide. Detectives are following leads to ID & arrest the suspects—but we’re also asking for your help
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Murders also exploded in Chicago, where 18 homicides occurred on May 31. That set the single deadliest day in Chicago’s history since the city first started recording such data 59 years ago. The previous record for the deadliest day in Chicago was 13 homicides on Aug. 4, 1991. Over the final weekend of May, there were at least 73 recorded incidents to which the police responded, with 92 people shot and 27 deaths.
The LAPD is reportedly investigating a California attorney who urged people on social media to “kill police officers” — and then offered to “represent” them free of charge if arrested.
“A California criminal defense attorney is being investigated by the LAPD for allegedly advocating that black people kill police officers and offering free representation to anyone willing to do so,” reports the Washington Examiner.

Screenshots of Instagram posts from an account tied to attorney Mark McBride were obtained by Fox 11.
“It won’t stop until black people start murdering cops, which they should do — often and with great relish. These c—sucking, low-iq, can’t get into law school jarheads need an asphalt nap, during which they bleed out on the streets where they’re shot down. I would have no problem with them. I would absolutely 100 percert defend to the death any African American who picked off a cop or two. It’s time. It’s well past time,” one screenshot read.

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