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Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Court Blocks Lower Court's Vote-by-Mail Order in Texas

In a victory for sanity the Fifth Circuit appeals court blocked a lower courts order requiring Texas elections officials to make mail in b...

In a victory for sanity the Fifth Circuit appeals court blocked a lower courts order requiring Texas elections officials to make mail in ballots available to anyone who wants one due to the coronavirus pandemic ahead of July primary elections in Texas.
Mail-in ballots are available in Texas if the applicant is over the age of 65. Voters under 65 must demonstrate that they will be outside the state or have a disability to vote by mail. Texas Democrats challenged those rules, arguing among other things that they violate equal protection and the 26th Amendment’s bar on age discrimination in voting.
U.S. District Judge Fred Biery sided with the Democratic plaintiffs in a May 19 order requiring the state to make vote-by-mail available to virtually all Texans. The Fifth Circuit decision includes pointed rebukes of Biery’s order, predicting his decision “will be remembered more for audacity than legal reasoning.”
Voters will cast ballots on July 14 in about 30 primary races where no candidate attained a majority of the vote. Among numerous other state and federal races, Democrats M.J. Hegar and Royce West are vying for the Democratic nomination to challenge Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) in the November general election. Early voting for the primary runoffs begins on June 29. State officials expanded the early voting period to disperse turnout and reduce the possibility that polling precincts will become vectors of transmission. After Thursday’s decision, mail-in ballots will only be available to those who ordinarily qualify under the state’s rules.

This is a victory for sanity because if one can stand in line to get into Home Depot, go grocery shopping and if one can freely protest for social justice then one can vote just as easily.
Democrats would not be pushing so hard for mail in voting if they didn’t think they could rig it in their favor.
If they thought it would benefit Republicans in any way then they would be screaming bloody murder.
Besides the pandemic and social distancing rules must have been put aside given what we’ve seen on our TV screens the past week.
Leftists politicians have thrown all of that overboard by their own action or inaction.
The biggest hypocrite of the day goes to @GovWhitmer, who violated her own social distancing guidelines at a protest march after telling the state that protesting would bring a surge of the virus.

It's time to FULLY open the state!!!
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