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Furious Americans Surrendered Freedoms to “Flatten the Curve”…Now Told Huge Protests are “Vital”

Public Health Advocates are playing Americans for fools and have ruined any credibility they ever had. Americans who gave up all of their ...

Public Health Advocates are playing Americans for fools and have ruined any credibility they ever had. Americans who gave up all of their freedom because they were constantly told to “flatten the curve”  and stay inside are furious at the scenes today of huge crowds gathering. 
Suddenly, these huge gatherings are not “risky” and are vital? Over 1,000 health professionals signed a letter saying, “Don’t shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse”:
“As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States.” (link)
No social distancing:
Dr. Abby Hussein, an infectious disease fellow at the University of Washington, noted that for black Americans this was truly a “life or death matter” and that protestors weren’t taking actions lightly.
“While everyone is concerned about the risk of Covid, there are risks with just being black in this country that almost outweigh that sometimes. And the sad part is the group that is protesting for their rights are the same people who are already disproportionately affected by the disease,” Hussein told CNN. “It’s something they’re doing because if they don’t fight for this now, they may never be able to fight for it in the future, because while Covid is right now, and we don’t know how long it’s going to last, white supremacy and oppression has been a long way longer, and we can guarantee that it’s going to continue if people don’t do anything about it now.”
Social media is on fire with angry Americans who have vowed not to comply with the public health advocates again:
Imagine being an American that wasn’t allowed to visit a dying family member, knowing they died alone & not being able to have a funeral. Imagine losing your livelihood. Imagine being arrested for not wearing a mask.

Then you see this a few weeks later. 
1,345 people are talking about this
People sacrificed everything to comply with what was recommended. People went broke, lost jobs, and businesses for what?
Never ask me to lockdown, social distance, or wear a mask EVER Again.

This picture proves the coronavirus was total bullshit 👇 
This begins a new chapter for me............ no more Mr. Nice Guy. I am done playing nice.
See Linda Garland's other Tweets
Loved one who passed away during this time never had a proper funeral. Family couldn’t say goodbye to the sick and dying.

These health officials really stepped in it because Americans will not listen to them anymre.

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