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Hilarious Cartoon Takes Joe Biden to the Woodshed Over "Fear and Courage"

For the past few months Democrats have, for the most part, kept Joe Biden locked in his basement far, far away from voters and unfriendly ...

For the past few months Democrats have, for the most part, kept Joe Biden locked in his basement far, far away from voters and unfriendly media.
The purported reason for keeping him locked up is coronavirus, but we all know the real reason is Joe Biden is not quite all there and the more he is in public, the more obvious it become.
In fact a recent poll shows a landslide number voters think Joe Biden is in the early stages of dementia, which may be why Democrats are keeping their 2020 nominee hidden from view.
They say a picture can be worth a thousand words so here is the whole sad, sordid thing brutally summed up by a simple yet effective image:

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