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Hillary Shares Photo of Pitch Black White House to Bash President Trump — Too Bad Photo Was From Obama Years!

Go away Crooked Hillary. Hillary Clinton  posted a tweet  on Monday attacking President Trump during the ongoing leftist riot pandemic spr...

Go away Crooked Hillary.
Hillary Clinton posted a tweet on Monday attacking President Trump during the ongoing leftist riot pandemic spreading across the country.
Crooked’s point is that during the Obama years the White House was lit up in Rainbow for gays and Red for the Communist Chinese.
President Trump, on the other hand, turned the lights off on the White House this week during the violent leftist rioting in Washington DC.
Too bad BOTH Photos were from the Obama years.
The photo was from 2015.
Hillary used an Obama White House photo to attack President Trump.
The photo of the White House blackout was from 2015!
Obama campaign manager David Axelrod also tweeted it out.

The perpetually not-President Hillary Clinton on Monday shared a side-by-side photo of the White House, one lit up in a rainbow spectrum from 2015, when Barack Obama was in office, and the other appearing almost in pitch black with no lighting. “Elections matter,” tweeted Clinton.
Former Obama adviser David Axelrod shared the same image of the darkened White House, calling it “perfect symbolism,” because, “if ever the country needed the occupant of the White House to shed light, and not heat, now is the time. Sadly, the lights are out.”
Yet it turns out the photo passed off as a metaphor for Trump’s apathy toward police brutality and racism was actually, like the rainbow White House, from the Obama years.

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