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“It Seems to Me You’ve Got One Problem – The Judge Disagreed with You” – Rep. Jim Jordan DESTROYS Mueller Gang Member Aaron Zelinsky in Hearing

Republican Jim Jordan was not impressed with the latest Democrat attempt at a phony impeachment – this time of AG Bill Barr.  Former Mue...

Republican Jim Jordan was not impressed with the latest Democrat attempt at a phony impeachment – this time of AG Bill Barr.  Former Mueller gang member Aaron Zelinsky spoke in front of Congress and Jordan stopped him cold to the point where Zelinsky was stuttering.

Representative Jim Jordan began the sham hearing noting that the last impeachment didn’t work so they were trying a new one while at the same time the courts were agreeing with actions by AG Bill Barr.  Law and Crime reported:
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, made a full-throated defense of Attorney General Bill Barr against allegations that Barr has improperly politicized the Department of Justice for the benefit of President Donald Trump and Trump allies, such as Roger Stone and Michael Flynn. Jordan said that Barr isn’t doing the president’s bidding, but is “doing the Lord’s work.”
“They’re not political, they’re just right,” Jordan said of Barr’s DOJ, citing the D.C. Circuit’s Wednesday order for Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case against Flynn.

“I mean, the very day—you almost have to laugh at this, the very day you have a hearing going after the Barr Justice department and alleging that there’s politics involved there—the very day we get the order from United States Court of Appeals,” Jordan said.
Later in the testimony of Aaron Zelinsky, one from the Mueller gang, Jordan stopped Zelinsky in his tracks.  Jordan started by noting that the judge sided with the DOJ and not Zelinsky in regards to the sentencing of Roger Stone, the event that trigged this phony scandal from the Democrats and the Deep State.  “Mr. Zelinsky, it seems to me you’ve got one problem – the judge disagreed with you“, Jordan said.
Zelinsky then tried to stammer his way through a response and Jordan asked whether Zelinsky talked to AG Barr about his concerns, which Zelinsky did not.  Zelinsky did not talk to the AG, the DAG and he did not talk to the US Attorney about his ‘concerns’.  Zelinsky didn’t talk to anyone who made the decisions on the case at the DOJ about his ‘concerns’.
Next when Jordan asked about someone at the DOJ who told him that there were concerns with AG Barr’s actions, Zelinsky got stuck and started to stammer.  Zelinsky eventually said that the person that told him about discussions with AG Barr was JP Cooney, who never talked to Barr or the DAG.  More hearsay BS.
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George Papadopoulos was impressed with Jordan’s questioning as well:

This is another Democrat scam.  What a corrupt and stupid gaggle of gangsters.

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