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'It would not get on the lowest rung of our food standards ladder': Farmers' union chief slams government plot to allow chlorinated chicken and other poor-quality US imports in to UK in post-Brexit Trump trade deal

Farming union leaders slammed the government last night for being willing to accept chlorinated chicken from the US as part of a post-Brex...

Farming union leaders slammed the government last night for being willing to accept chlorinated chicken from the US as part of a post-Brexit trade deal. 
National Farmers' Union President Minette Batters said the foods would 'not get on the lowest rung' of the UK's food-standards ladder. 
She spoke after it emerged ministers are planning to cave in to American pressures and allow chlorinated chicken and other low-quality imports on to UK supermarket shelves.
They are said to be seeking a 'dual tariff' scheme that would see little or no import duties placed on food and produce that meets current high UK standards, but slap hefty tolls on poor quality items.
It would allow things like the chemically treated poultry and hormone-fed beef to be imported to the UK but make them expensive and therefore make them less likely to appear.
Opening up the UK to US agri-business has been the main source of divergence between the US and UK over the post-Brexit agreement. 
It comes as ministers led by International Trade Secretary Liz Truss seek a quick deal with the Trump administration, in order to have it completed before November's presidential election.
'The idea of a dual-tariff regime is that the upper band would remove any economic advantage that foreign producers would gain through lower animal welfare standards,' a Government source told the Telegraph.
Liz Truss
Minette Batters
Ministers led by International Trade Secretary Liz Truss (left) want a quick deal with the Trump administration, but the NFU, led by Minette Batters (right) want an independent commission into imports
Ms Truss and the US trade representative Robert Lighthizer  formally begin the UK-US trade talks during a video conference a month ago
Ms Truss and the US trade representative Robert Lighthizer  formally begin the UK-US trade talks during a video conference a month ago
'British farmers would also have a competitive advantage, even with goods that are produced to high standards, because of the lower tariff regime applied to imports.' 
However the idea is still likely to face opposition from those who wish the produce - which would be banned if we were still in the EU - to enter the UK. 
A campaign by the NFU to ban low quality imports has attracted almost 400,000 signatures and attracted support from high profile figures including Jamie Oliver.
Ms Batters said: 'It's a significant step forwards that the Government has recognised the damage it would do to our farmers, who have to abide by the highest rung of the ladder, if we import food that wouldn't even get on the lowest rung of the ladder when it comes to food standards.
'But we would call on the Government once again to accept the need for an independent food and farming standards commission to look at the proposals for trade deals.

'There has been an ongoing disagreement between Defra [the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs] and the Department of International Trade which is why we need a stand-alone bridge that can advise the Government.'
The NFU President has condemned the possibility of low-quality trade imports from the US, saying it would undermine the UK's high standards of animal welfare and environmental protection. 
In a press statement, she said: 'For food and farming, we have the potential to be at the very top. 
'We need a trade policy that safeguards our farmers and British food production from the damaging impact of importing food that would be illegal to produce here. 
'Failure to do this would undermine our values of animal welfare, environmental protection and food safety, all of which are incredibly important to the public.' 
The threat of the products entering the UK has been used by those seeking to delay the UK's final split from the EU in December.
They argue that the coronavirus pandemic, means that the transition period should be extended - which would delay the start of any trade regime with the US. 
Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesman Alistair Carmichael told the Commons today that  despite the Government's public commitments, food produced to a lower standard - like chlorinated chicken - could end up on British supermarket shelves.
He said: 'Now in fact we hear that as a consequence of the so-called dual tariff process it is quite possible we will see such products being imported to this country.' 

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