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NBC News Gets Shredded After Hiring Disgraced Former FBI Agent Lisa Page as an Analyst

As many readers know by now NBC News and MSNBC hired disgraced former FBI agent Lisa Page as a political and national security analyst whi...

As many readers know by now NBC News and MSNBC hired disgraced former FBI agent Lisa Page as a political and national security analyst which would be sort of like hiring Gordon Liddy to report on Watergate.
Some background via Daily Wire:
Lisa Page, whose anti-Trump texts with fired FBI agent Peter Strzok got her removed from Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election, was announced as MSNBC’s latest hire Friday evening. …
As Mueller investigated the Trump campaign (he ultimately discovered no evidence of collusion, despite years of media headlines claiming the opposite), text messages between Strzok and Page became public in a June 2018 Inspector General’s report. The two employees were having an affair (Page is married) and sent each other texts expressing anti-Trump sentiments in early August 2016 – ahead of the election. At one point, Page asked Strzok if Trump would become president. Strzok responded: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” The pair also discussed an “insurance policy” for if Trump were to win the election.
Following the release of the text messages, Page resigned from the FBI. Strzok was removed from Mueller’s investigation.
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley just shredded NBC News for their decision to hire Page.
“Lisa Page is the new Legal Analyst for NBC and MSNBC. The problem is not that Page disagrees with the Administration on legal matters but that she is personally involved in the investigations and has shown intense and at times unhinged bias against Trump. It seems like bias has become the coin of the realm for some networks. Why have echo journalism when you can have an analyst simply repeat her position directly? With Page, NBC has crossed the Rubicon and left its objectivity scattered on the far bank.” Turley wrote on Twitter.
...It seems like bias has become the coin of the realm for some networks. Why have echo journalism when you can have an analyst simply repeat her position directly? With Page, NBC has crossed the Rubicon and left its objectivity scattered on the far bank.
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Turley nails it!
How can someone personally involved in an a ongoing investigation give unbiased analysis? She has to be very careful to not implicate herself further.
In addition unhinged bias against the President has become a job requirement for mainstream media journalists and analysts everywhere.
Brit Hume also chimed in:
Actor Dean Cain absolutely nails it in this clip, near the end of the segment:
Expect the insanity coming from the media and the Democrats to only intensify as the election draws nearer.

It’s clear the media is fully invested in doing whatever they can to ensure President Trump loses in November.

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