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New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and professors across US seek economist's removal from top job at academic journal after he criticized calls to defund police and 'trivialized' Black Lives Matter's campaign

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has joined forces with a number of professors seeking an economist's removal from his top job at...

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has joined forces with a number of professors seeking an economist's removal from his top job at an academic journal. 
Harald Uhlig was called out after he criticized calls to defund police and was accused of 'trivializing' the Black Lives Matter's campaign. 
Uhlig, a professor of economics of the University of Chicago, tweeted Monday: 'Too bad, but #blacklivesmatter per its core organization @Blklivesmatter just torpedoed itself, with its full-fledged support of #defundthepolice'  
A newly resurfaced blog post he authored in 2017 also asked: 'Would you defend football players waving the confederate flag and dressing in Ku Klux Klan garb during the playing of the national anthem?' 
Now a letter calling for his removal as the Lead Editor of the Journal of Political Economy has been gaining support from academics around the US, including University of Michigan professor Justin Wolfers.  
The letter states: 'Prof. Uhlig's comments published on his blog and Twitter posts dated June 8th, trivializing the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and drawing parallels between the BLM movement and the Ku Klux Klan, are outrageous and unacceptable.'  
Krugman called him 'yet another privileged white man' in a series of tweets. 
Harald Uhlig, pictured, was called out after he criticized calls to defund police and was accused of 'trivializing' the Black Lives Matter's campaign
Uhlig, a professor of economics of the University of Chicago, tweeted Monday: 'Too bad, but #blacklivesmatter per its core organization @Blklivesmatter just torpedoed itself, with its full-fledged support of #defundthepolice'
Uhlig, a professor of economics of the University of Chicago, tweeted Monday: 'Too bad, but #blacklivesmatter per its core organization @Blklivesmatter just torpedoed itself, with its full-fledged support of #defundthepolice'
Uhlig later apologized, adding: 'My tweets in recent days and an old blog post have apparently irritated a lot of people. That was far from my intention'
Uhlig later apologized, adding: 'My tweets in recent days and an old blog post have apparently irritated a lot of people. That was far from my intention'
The debate over NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem has only intensified since George Floyd, a black man, died May 25 in Minneapolis after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. 
His death has spurred global protests against police brutality and racial injustice, which Kaepernick protested by kneeling during the national anthem beginning in August of 2016. 
Uhlig wrote in 2017: 'In any case, it is pretty clear, that the current kneeling and the current defense-of-freedom-of-speech is not about some courageous act of standing up for democratic values.
'I would so love that to be true, really. Instead, it is all just Anti-Trump-ism.' 

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has joined forces with a number of professors seeking an economist's removal from his top job at an academic journal
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has joined forces with a number of professors seeking an economist's removal from his top job at an academic journal
Krugman called him 'yet another privileged white man' in a series of tweets
Krugman called him 'yet another privileged white man' in a series of tweets
A letter calling for his removal as the Lead Editor of the Journal of Political Economy has been gaining support from academics including University of Michigan professor Justin Wolfers
A letter calling for his removal as the Lead Editor of the Journal of Political Economy has been gaining support from academics including University of Michigan professor Justin Wolfers
Columnist Krugman wrote on Twitter: 'Editor of the Journal of Political Economy, a powerful gatekeeper in the profession. And yet another privileged white man who evidently can't control his urge to belittle the concerns of those less fortunate.'
He later added: 'Free speech means you have the right to say whatever you want. It doesn't mean that your expressed opinions have no bearing on whether you should be editing a flagship journal, especially if they raise doubts about your objectivity. 
'Indeed. Free speech means you have the right to say whatever you want. It doesn't mean that your expressed opinions have no bearing on whether you should be editing a flagship journal, especially if they raise doubts about your objectivity.' 
Academics from around the US further criticized Uhlig for his comments
Academics from around the US further criticized Uhlig for his comments 
Academics including Michigan State University professor Scott Imberman and Jennifer Doleac, an economics professor at Texas A&M University, further criticized Uhlig. 
University of Victoria economist Rob Gillezeau wrote: 'Racists shouldn't be allowed to gatekeep our profession.' 
Uhlig had said: 'Look: I understand, that some out there still wish to go and protest and say #defundpolice and all kinds of stuff, while you are still young and responsibility does not matter. Enjoy! 
'Express yourself! Just don't break anything, ok? And be back by 8 pm.'
Uhlig later apologized, adding: 'My tweets in recent days and an old blog post have apparently irritated a lot of people. That was far from my intention'
Uhlig later apologized, adding: 'My tweets in recent days and an old blog post have apparently irritated a lot of people. That was far from my intention'
He later added: 'My tweets in recent days and an old blog post have apparently irritated a lot of people. That was far from my intention: let me apologize for that. Did I choose my words and comparisons wisely? I did not. My apology, once again. 
'Let me also make clear that all these are just my views, not pronouncements by the JPE and most certainly not the @UChicago or my department.
'I said what I said because these are difficult, but important matters to speak up about and we all should engage, and not because of my professional expertise.' 

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