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Senate Judiciary Committee Authorizes Subpoenas for 50+ Obama Officials including: Rice, Clapper, Brennan and Lovebirds Strzok and Page

The Senate Judiciary Committee today authorized Chairman Lindsey Graham the authority to subpoenas former Obama officials related to the...

The Senate Judiciary Committee today authorized Chairman Lindsey Graham the authority to subpoenas former Obama officials related to the FISA process and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
The Committee voted 12-10 to approve the authorization.
Now Graham can issue subpoenas covering a number of documents, communications and testimony from witnesses, including James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan, Sally Yates, and others.
The Senate Judiciary Committee listed the officials who may face subpoenas :
  • The subpoena authorization gives the Chairman the ability to issue a subpoena for witnesses, documents or other materials.
  • Documents and communications referenced in, and testimony at a hearing or deposition of any individual named or identified by pseudonym in, the report titled “Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation” issued by the U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General.
  • Documents and communications related to, and the testimony at a hearing or deposition of any current or former executive branch official or employee involved in, the Crossfire Hurricane investigation (including investigations opened under the Crossfire Hurricane umbrella) or the receipt or analysis of reports prepared by Christopher Steele (commonly referred to as the “Steele dossier”).
  • Documents, communications and testimony at a hearing or deposition related to any aforementioned matter from:
  • Trisha Anderson,
  • Brian Auten,
  • James Baker,
  • William Barr,
  • Dana Boente,
  • Jennifer Boone,
  • John Brennan,
  • James Clapper,
  • Kevin Clinesmith,
  • James Comey,
  • Patrick Conlon,
  • Michael Dempsey,
  • Stuart Evans,
  • Tashina Gauhar,
  • Carl Ghattas,
  • Curtis Heide,
  • Kathleen Kavalec,
  • David Laufman,
  • Stephen Laycock,
  • Jacob Lew,
  • Loretta Lynch,
  • Andrew McCabe,
  • Mary McCord,
  • Denis McDonough,
  • Arthur McGlynn,
  • Jonathan Moffa,
  • Sally Moyer,
  • Mike Neufield,
  • Sean Newell,
  • Victoria Nuland,
  • Bruce Ohr,
  • Nellie Ohr,
  • Stephanie L. O’Sullivan,
  • Lisa Page,
  • Joseph Pientka,
  • John Podesta,
  • Samantha Power,
  • E.W. “Bill” Priestap,
  • Sarah Raskin,
  • Steve Ricchetti,
  • Susan Rice,
  • Rod Rosenstein,
  • Gabriel Sanz-Rexach,
  • Nathan Sheets,
  • Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall,
  • Glenn Simpson,
  • Steve Somma,
  • Peter Strzok,
  • Michael Sussman,
  • Adam Szubin,
  • Jonathan Winer,
  • Christopher Wray,
  • Sally Yates.
FOX News reported on today’s vote:
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved subpoenas for documents and testimony from top Obama administration officials as part of the panel’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe during the 2016 presidential election.
The committee voted Thursday to approve a measure giving broad authority to Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to subpoena more than 50 mostly former Obama administration officials as part of its investigation.
The subpoenas apply to former FBI Director James Comey, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others.
“McCabe…Comey…their day is coming,” Graham said.
The panel rejected a call by Democrats to subpoena those associated with President Trump or the Trump campaign. The Democrats sought subpoenas for George Papadopoulos, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, among others.
All amendments and authorizations were approved or tabled on party-line votes.

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