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Wednesday, March 19


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Terrifying moment agitator stops his car to set off a mortar firework during peaceful George Floyd demonstration in California, forcing a protester to throw the makeshift bomb back into his car

Karma does bite back.  Shocking footage shows the moment when a protest agitator in California tried to throw a mortar firework in the ...

Karma does bite back. 
Shocking footage shows the moment when a protest agitator in California tried to throw a mortar firework in the midst of a peaceful protest. 
The wild clips were filmed on Tuesday in Riverside, California, and show a man attempting to disrupt protests with his vehicle before trying to set off the makeshift bomb. 

Shocking footage shows the moment when a protest agitator in California tried to throw a mortar firework in the midst of a peaceful protest. The clip was filmed on Tuesday
Shocking footage shows the moment when a protest agitator in California tried to throw a mortar firework in the midst of a peaceful protest. The clip was filmed on Tuesday
But as soon as he lights the device, protesters descend onto the fireworks and immediately throw them back inside his car. 
The man tries to light the device again and tries to flee in his car but before he can, the bomb is thrown close to his vehicle. 

It ignites inside the interior of the vehicle with a loud boom, causing bystanders to run from the scene. 
But several others decide to go an actually help the man from the vehicle, which is now smoking. Several can be seen pushing the vehicle so that it stops rolling. 
Footage show a man attempting to disrupt protests with his vehicle before trying to set off the makeshift bomb. A protester quickly came and threw the bomb back into the car
Footage show a man attempting to disrupt protests with his vehicle before trying to set off the makeshift bomb. A protester quickly came and threw the bomb back into the car
The man tries to light the device again and tries to flee in his car but before he can, the bomb is thrown close to his vehicle
It ignites inside the interior of the vehicle with a loud boom, causing bystanders to run from the scene
The man tries to light the device again and tries to flee in his car but before he can, the bomb is thrown close to his vehicle. It ignites inside the interior of the vehicle with a loud boom, causing bystanders to run from the scene
Many on social media commented that the agitator had set off the device to convince police to descend on the group, believing that they were then rioters.  
It is unknown whether the man suffered any injuries.  
On Monday, the city of Riverside instituted a curfew of 7pm. The curfew was lifted by the next day.
'I wanted to let all our community members, business owners, and visitors know a little about yesterday's protest. We had upwards of about 6,000 people who attended and participated in the peaceful exercise of their First Amendment rights,' Riverside Chief of Police Larry V. Gonzalez said in a statement.
'The protest was peaceful for the most part until near the end when the peaceful protesters left and the rioters who remained were clearly there to cause disruption, destruction, and harm to our city. To those who demonstrated peacefully, thank you! We heard your voices and our department is dedicated to continue working closely with our community leaders and residents to help progress positive change within our department and city. 
On Monday, the city of Riverside instituted a curfew of 7pm. The curfew was lifted by the next day
On Monday, the city of Riverside instituted a curfew of 7pm. The curfew was lifted by the next day