The worldwide protests following the death of George Floyd made many of us realized that law enforcement is in great need of reform. While...
The worldwide protests following the death of George Floyd made many of us realized that law enforcement is in great need of reform. While people have been marching to end systematic racism and police brutality for a long time, now the activists are much bolder in their demands for change to happen. One of the suggestions which have been met with controversy is defunding the police.
Every year, both state and local governments spend 100 billion dollars on law enforcement. So why not cut some of that money and spend it on a variety of helpful services that would support the community? While to some it seems like a brilliant idea that could decrease both poverty and crime, there are also those who are strictly against it. A writer Jamie Ford has an explanation of why he thinks people disagree with defunding the police. It’s because “they’re not understanding that change rarely happens from within”, he writes.
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Writer Jamie Ford decided to share how Americans are benefiting of defunded police years after it happened in the 60s
Image credits: JamieFord
Instead of offering complex arguments in favor of the cause, Ford decided to prove that Americans are already benefiting from defunded police by reminding of some historical events.
Image credits: JamieFord
Image credits: JamieFord
Image credits: JamieFord
Image credits: JamieFord
Image credits: JamieFord
Image credits: JamieFord
For those who are unfamiliar with this part of history, Ford recommends watching Freedom House documentary. Here’s the trailer
Here’s how people reacted to Ford’s history lesson
Image credits: MarkAvo
Image credits: FFCade
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Image credits: StarvingHarvest
Image credits: PurpleHeartSnek
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Image credits: RottenPk
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